
4 Simple Steps To Help Ensure Workdays Free From Spine Pain

There are many reasons why you may suffer from spine pain. These range from sitting at a desk all day to trauma or even infections. The only way of being sure of what is wrong with your spine is to see a reputable spine surgeon. This will help you to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

The good news is that you are not alone. It’s estimated that 16% of Australians have low back problems, and that’s only part of your spine! In conjunction with your doctor and physiotherapist, you’ll find the following steps can help to reduce spine pain and allow you to enjoy a pain-free day.

1. Think About Posture

You’ve probably already been told about the importance of sitting correctly at your desk. The monitor should be at eye level and your back should be straight with adequate support.

However, before you even look at this you should be looking at how you are distributing weight on your joints. This is fundamental to maintaining posture and minimizing back problems and pain. 

The best approach is to stretch sit. This means putting your bottom at the back of the chair then leaning forward slightly from your hips. Then push down on the seat, armrests, and back to gently stretch your back.

You can place a towel behind your midback, when you relax it will effectively keep you in the position helming to stretch your spine and relieve pain.

2. Change Your Baseline

Although you may have got a great seating position, one of the biggest problems your spine faces is when you stay in one position for an extended period of time. Experts recommend you switch between sitting and standing every thirty minutes, giving your body a chance to maintain balance and avoid stiffness and pain

3. Exercise

You already know this but there is no substitute for regular exercise. You should do something every day that causes your heart to beat faster. It can be traditional exercises like running and swimming or you can do some weight lifting or even flexibility exercises. The important thing is to be mobile and maintain your flexibility.

4. The Right Tools

If you need to sit most of the day then make sure you have an ergonomic chair and preferably a desk that can move between sitting and standing. You should also invest in ergonomic aids, such as mice, keyboards, and other office accessories.

It should be noted that everyone is different, if you are already suffering from spine pain then your physiotherapist is likely to show you some exercises that will reduce the pain and improve mobility and flexibility. They should also help you to experience pain-free days.

If you’re not at the stage that you need to see a doctor then following the above steps can help to make sure you stay this way and enjoy continued good health. It’s your body and any furniture you get should be considered as an investment in your future.

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