
5 Common Asthma Attack Triggers

Millions of people suffer from asthma – with symptoms that can range from minor to severe. In fact, asthma is one of the most common forms of chronic disease. However, asthma can be triggered from a number of different sources ranging from indoor air pollutants to chemical particulates in the air. Luckily, there are a number of treatments for asthma. Yet, when it comes to air purifiers and asthma, allergy, and COPD – you have to remain diligent about avoiding the triggers. For some people, asthma is genetic – if you have asthma, it is very likely that someone in your family does too. In order to prevent asthma attacks, which could be caused by a single acute allergy to either cat dander or mold, it is important to avoid the triggers altogether. Here are 5 common asthma attack triggers.

  1. Dust mites. Dust mites are everywhere – you can’t see them most of the time, but they are. For asthma sufferers, dust mites can trigger a serious reaction. In order to get rid of dust mites it is important to always keep your home tidy – dust mites feed on the dirt and detritus of your home. You might also want to get rid of any down comforters and use only synthetic fibers in your mattress and pillows. It is also recommended to wash your sheets and bedding with the hottest water possible.
  2. Outside pollution. If you live in a large city, chances are that you have a lot of exhaust particles flowing through the air in your city – mostly in the form of smog. In most heavily congested cities, asthma as a result of high pollution levels in the air is incredibly common. If this is the case, make sure to close the windows during the day. You should also install an air purifier. If you suffer from asthma and live in even a moderately polluted city, an air purifier is essential for your bedroom, and probably your living room as well.
  3. Mold. Mold can be another big trigger for asthma sufferers. Mold – especially toxic mold – can have negative health consequences for perfectly healthy people, but for asthma sufferers, mold could be life threatening. This is because the mold spores can actually enter the bloodstream via the lungs and pulmonary passageways. If you suspect that you have mold, it is important to have it removed immediately and find the source so that it never comes back. Mold is typically a deep black, brown or green color – you should be able to spot it right away. It also has a deep, musty odor.
  4. Pet dander. Pet dander is one of the most common triggers for asthma sufferers. Most people think they are having trouble breathing because of their pet’s fur, but actually it is their dander, which is a result of their skin shedding. Only some people have a pet dander allergy, but for asthma sufferers, the symptoms are obvious: itchy/watery eyes, lightheadedness, congestion, and sometimes nausea.
  5. Smoke. If you suffer from a smoke allergy, you want to keep away from smokers, and you probably don’t want to participate in any barbecues this summer, because smoke can be a huge asthma trigger. Smoke has a number of particles – including carbon monoxide – that can affect the breathing passages. At the end of the day, if you are particularly sensitive to smoke, you might want to stay away from the fireplace in the winter too.

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