6 Signs You Should See A Dentist Barrie
Many people tend to visit a dentist Barrie when a problem is extreme. However, visiting your dentist regularly is crucial in maintaining good oral health. Brushing and flossing your teeth alone is not enough to prevent teeth problems.
Additionally, visiting your dentist twice a year is insufficient to prevent oral health problems. Fortunately, your body manifests symptoms that indicate you should see a dentist. You rarely awaken with a cavity or a broken tooth; there are always warning signs before the problem worsens. Therefore, understanding what indicators to look for allows you to discover problems early before they become more severe. While these signs differ from person to person and depending on the issue, the most common reasons to visit your dentist Barrie are listed below.
1. Toothache
A toothache is one of the prevalent signs that you should see a dentist. A toothache is any form of pain around or in your teeth. A minor toothache can be caused by gum irritation, while a severe toothache can be caused by bacteria infection, tooth decay, tooth fracture, worn-out filling, or infected gums.
Minor toothache can be treated by rinsing your mouth with warm saltwater to remove tooth debris or rinsing with hydrogen peroxide to reduce the pain. However, if these methods don’t relieve your pain, it's time to see a dentist. In such a case, consider visiting Molson Park Dental office to book an appointment with the best dentist Barrie.
2. Unpleasant Breath
Unpleasant breath, also known as halitosis, is an embarrassing sign that you need dental care. While many people use chewing gums, mouthwashes, and mints to eliminate the smell, these items only work temporarily and don’t solve the problem.
Bad breath may be caused by certain foods like onions and spices, poor oral hygiene, dry mouth, infections, and other health conditions. You can sometimes treat bad breath by practicing proper oral hygiene and drinking lots of water. However, this isn’t always the case; you might need to see a dentist to find the cause and solution to this problem.
3. Bleeding Gums
Bleeding gums are a serious mouth problem that you shouldn’t take lightly. Bleeding gums can be caused by wearing unfitting dentures or roughly brushing your teeth. It can also be caused by gum infection or plaque and tartar buildup around the gum. Other causes may include lack of vitamin C and K, poor oral hygiene, inappropriate flossing, bleeding disorders, leukemia, or blood thinners.
You can try treating bleeding gums at home by using gauze, ice, rinsing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide or warm salt water, or applying turmeric paste on the gums. Although some treatments can stop the bleeding, you should still visit your dentist Barrie for a thorough diagnosis. Remember that visiting the dentist is essential as they’ll not only stop the bleeding but also identify the root cause and offer a solution.
4. Mouth Sores
Mouth sores are pretty common in many people. They affect the soft tissues in the mouth, including the tongue, lips, gums, inner cheeks, and the top and lower parts of the mouth. Mouth sores can be caused by oral thrush, anemia, burns, mouth and foot disease, food or medication allergy, bacterial infection, bites, cold sore, mouth cancer, or celiac disease. In addition, mouth sores can be white, purple, yellow, or red.
You can eliminate minor mouth sores by rinsing your mouth with salt water, avoiding smoking or drinking alcohol, avoiding hot and sugary foods, gargling hydrogen peroxide, or eating ice. However, these remedies are only to slow the progression of the sores. It would be best to visit your dentist to diagnose the cause of the sores and provide professional treatment.
5. Jaw Problems
If your jaw hurts when you chew or when opening and closing your mouth, it could mean you have serious jaw problems. It would help if you visited the doctor right away to prevent the issue from escalating. Your dentist will identify the causes and offer treatment options for the problem.
Jaw problems are disorders affecting jaw joints and muscles and ligaments surrounding it. Jaw problems can be caused by arthritis, trauma, hard bite, jaw injury, or infections. The symptoms you might experience include headaches, jaw tenderness, difficulty chewing, and sharp pain.
6. Sensitive Teeth
Teeth sensitivity is discomfort or pain in the teeth when eating cold or hot food and drinks. This sensitivity can affect single or multiple teeth. This discomfort can be caused by brushing your teeth vigorously, grinding your teeth, acidic foods and drinks, Gastroesophageal reflux, gum recession, chipped teeth, or tooth decay. You can treat teeth sensitivity using a sensitive toothpaste, softer brush, or alcohol-free mouthwash. If these home remedies don’t work, it’s time to visit your dentist Barrie.
Your oral health is an essential element of your overall health. Therefore, never hesitate to contact your dentist if you notice any of the above signs. It’s better to be paranoid and cautious, rather than disregarding the symptoms and ending up with more significant issues.
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