6 Skin Abnormalities Affecting The Penis You Should Know
Just like any other body part, the health of your penis is crucial, not only because of its ability to gain and sustain an erection or for reproduction purposes, but also its urinary function. Your body is made up of about 60% water, and you need to flush it out of your body from time to time. It's a critical process because it helps you get rid of toxins from your body.
However, various abnormalities may affect your penis, causing discomfort and affecting its functionality. Don't panic! Some of them are common and not entirely sexually transmitted. However, it's still best to take note of all unusual marks because they may signal a more serious penile condition. That said, here are six skin abnormalities affecting your penis to watch out for:
1. Pearly Penile Papules (PPP)
Pearly Penile Papules (PPP), also known as Hirsutoid Papillomas, are tiny white bumps in the penis head. They're raised and grow like a pimple on the skin of the penis but don't produce pus. PPP is most common in uncircumcised men but may affect any man whatsoever.
You may be frightened or alarmed by this condition, but it's not as serious as it sounds. It fades slowly with time. Although there's nothing to worry about when you have PPP, your sexual confidence may decrease because of what your partner may think of you. So, if you want it removed, you can purchase a PPP home removal kit from a reputable PPP kit company. You can also opt to see a dermatologist for treatment or use other methods for removal. They include:
- Natural oils such as tea tree and castor oil
- Specialized creams
You can also try other home remedies by sourcing information from credible websites. But, as always, never try anything that can harm your penis or overall sexual health. Consulting your doctor remains your best option.
2. Yeast Infection
You may think yeast infections only affect women, but this isn't entirely true; men are also victims. It appears as white, shiny patches with tiny red spots at the head of your penis and a cracked foreskin. It may also lead to painful symptoms that cause discomfort when left untreated.
The cause of this infection is a fungus known as candida. This fungus exists in your body in small quantities. However, overgrowth may lead to yeast infection. Seek help from a medical professional if you develop the following symptoms:
- Itchiness
- Discomfort and pain during sex
- Thick discharge from the skin
- Soreness, swelling, and redness of your penis
This penile health issue may not only affect your confidence but could also affect your relationship with your partner. So, to keep a strong and healthy relationship with your partner, ensure that you take care of your sexual health by consulting your doctor when a health concern arises.
3. Balanitis
Balanitis is the swelling of the head of the penis, and the most affected are uncircumcised middle-aged men. If not treated, it causes the foreskin to inflame and develops into balanoposthitis. That is because it grows underneath the foreskin where the area is warm and moist, ideal for thriving.
Balanitis develops from a yeast infection but might also result from viral and bacterial infections. You'll know you're infected if you experience pain, itchiness, swelling, and red rashes on the penis. It also comes with a foul-smelling discharge, painful urination, and lesions on your penis. It's caused by:
- Poor hygiene
- Phimosis
- Dermatitis
- Bacterial, yeast, and sexually transmitted infections such as yeast, bacteria, and sexually transmitted diseases
Treatments for balanitis include a combination of soap substitutes, a topical corticosteroid cream, and barrier creams.
4. Erectile Dysfunction
It is another abnormality typical of the penis. It's not necessarily a skin abnormality, but some skin abnormalities like PPP may cause it. A man is said to have erectile dysfunction if he's unable to get an erection. It can affect all men but is more common in older ones.
You may have an erection problem from time to time, which is normal, but if it happens to be an ongoing issue, seek medical attention. You may take it lightly, but in the end, it'll cause you low self-esteem, relationship problems, and stressful thoughts. Therefore, no matter how embarrassing, talk to your doctor and find a solution to the problem.
5. Paraphimosis And Phimosis
If you're suffering from paraphimosis, you'll find it difficult to reposition the foreskin of your penis. Phimosis, however, will make it hard for you to retract the foreskin. Both conditions affect uncircumcised men and boys.
Phimosis is more common in young boys and infants as their skin is still tight. The condition will heal over time as the boy ages, and if not by the time of adolescence, then seek treatment. You'll receive a steroid cream for the treatment. If unsuccessful, you may have to be circumcised.
6. Lichen Planus
You may observe tiny raised or flat spots on the shaft of your penis if you have this condition. They're itchy and painful, but they cure on their own over time. The cause of this condition is unknown, and like most other febrile conditions, it tends to affect middle-aged men more than the rest.
It's not infectious and can't be transmitted from one person to the other. Here are more symptoms of lichen planus:
- Redish-purple bumps on the skin of your penis and surrounding areas
- Lesions may appear on your genital
- Itchiness
- Blisters filled with pus
A small biopsy may be needed, but a diagnosis can be made clinically. The treatment aims to treat the underlying inflammation.
The health of your genitals matters a lot. If you experience any of the skin abnormalities discussed herein, make an appointment with your dermatologist or urologist for professional insight on treatment and prevention to avoid serious effects that may arise from them. This way, you can ensure that your reproductive system is healthy, which is crucial to maintaining a strong relationship with your partner and boosting your confidence in bed.
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