
A Definitive Guide to Settling Down Your Outstanding Health Debt

Health care bills and medical costs have increased rapidly than what it was earlier when people were actually able to cover the bills on their own. The present-day situation in terms of health care and hospitalization costs highlights that a medical emergency can drain out our finances to a great extent if you do not possess a decent insurance policy. Even though most people tend to have a health care insurance policy, uncertain health issues and their expenses mostly leave you with debts that you might find hard to deal with.

According to, more than 43 million Americans find it extremely difficult to deal and pay off medical debts. Health care bills, even the major ones, as well as, the overall cost of chronic health issues can be negotiated and managed if you are aware of the right approaches backed with various assistance programs. If you understand how this system works and what you should do to save your finances from being drained out, you can get rid of your medical debt easily and quicker than expected.  Here is a guide depicting all the possible ways to pay off your medical debt in the most effective and reliable manner:

Keep Yourself Updated of Your Insurance Coverage

Often, health insurers are found to misinterpret a bill and decline the payment although your policy rightfully covers it wholly or partially. Prior to start panicking in such a situation, do the right thing by making an inquiry to your respective insurance firm in order to know all the important details related to your coverage. A clerical error might cost you an entire bill that should be paid easily through your insurance policy. Apart from that, make sure you review the bills carefully and connect with your healthcare provider to learn that you are being charged with the necessary procedures and whether there has been any coding error or not. Next, study your coverage policy to determine the figures and use it further for making a comparison with the explanation of benefits that you obtained from the insurer. In case of any discrepancy, you can contact your policy provider and learn about the errors and further procedures.

Smartly Deal with Your Medical Bills Once You Receive Them

While tackling health care debts, you might be facing an army of debt collectors apart from the health care providers and medical establishments. Some doctors and health care institutions are quite aggressive, as they hire the collection agencies to take care of the unpaid bill and might restrain you from taking any further medical treatment until and unless you complete the repayment. When it comes to dealing with your medical bills, ensure that the numbers are accurate as soon as you receive it. In fact, it is important to keep in mind that medical bills are negotiable unlike other forms of debts. Reach out to your service provider and try to work out on reducing the total and persuade them to cut fees. Moreover, you can plan on working on a customized repayment plan with your doctor or the hospital.

Look Out for Medical Bill Forgiveness

Perhaps this is one of the easiest ways out of your medical debt hardship and settling your outstanding bills that are damaging your credit score. If you have a genuine issue such as a disability that restricts you from working, you might be able to leverage medical forgiveness. In such a situation, your provider will simply need a certificate or proof, which will let you in getting rid of your medical bills. However, if debt forgiveness or settlement is not a suitable option for you, you can utilize other debt reduction tactics by applying for a bank loan or seek money-lending options from authentic sources such as

Utilizing Credit Cards for Debt Payment

Before you unfold your credit card payment option for settling your medical bills, make sure that you understand the consequences. The option of credit card is ideal only for covering short-term expenses, especially the ones that you can pay back easily during the monthly billing cycle. Nevertheless, if you learn that you will not be having enough money for credit card bill repayment, you will definitely encounter a new issue of growing credit card debt. On the other hand, the rate of interest on the credit card can be incredibly high, so before you use your credit card for paying your health care bills, consider how you are going to take care of the card debt.

Protect Your Credit Score

A single health care bill in form of collections can affect your credit ratings in a negative manner and once you fail to pay the debt on time, it will appear on your credit report as unpaid. The worst part is that it takes seven years to get rid of the mark of an unpaid debt from your credit report. But, things took a turn in 2017 as the credit reporting bureaus announced that once you are able to pay off your outstanding medical bills, it would be eradicated from your credit report. Prevent any sort of negative impact on your credit score by taking care of your bills as soon as you are handed with the bill. Reach out to your service provider or loan counselors with any query related to the matter and resolve it quickly and effectively.

Seek Assistance from a Medical Bill Advocate

Patient or medical advocates are professionals who are proficient with the medical delivery system and can make you understand the bills. The best part of seeking their assistance is that they end up negotiating the bill on your behalf, resulting in saving your time and money to a great extent. While the patient advocates emphasize on procedures you are presently going through, the billing advocates can offer you aid in reviewing, evaluating, and appealing for the bills. 


Dealing with health care loans and debts can be overwhelming especially when your unpaid bills are handled by the collection agencies. Follow the aforementioned tips and calmly deal with the scenario and ensure paying off your bills within time without getting your credit score affected.

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