
A look at some practical tips for losing weight

Did you know that obesity ranks as one of the significant lifestyle disorders in the current day and age? Being obese makes you vulnerable to a plethora of severe debilitating diseases including hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, and renal problems; along with the added embarrassment of being unfit.

If you are reading this article, then you must be an individual who takes his fitness seriously, or you might just be looking for pointers on how to lose weight! Losing weight is tough, and you will have to follow a strict routine of exercises and a healthy diet. That means cutting down on portions, junk food and conventional fitness training protocols under expert supervision. It will take patience, and you cannot expect results overnight. You have been warned!

Here are some essential tips to practice at home to help you to lose weight, read on!

Having realistic goals

Losing weight is a scientific process, and you cannot just try any method that you can get your hands on. You need to learn the technicalities and understand your body type, requirements, and Body Mass Index (BMI). Setting smaller goals like losing 3-5% of your total body weight in the first six months is a great idea. Smaller goals are achievable and attaining of the target acts as the added incentive you need to follow up on your regimen for years.


Understanding how a balanced diet works are the critical aspect of losing weight fast. Eating junk food, sweetened carbonated drinks, and untimely meals are the major roadblocks towards staying healthy. Maintain a food and nutrition diary or register with an app to keep track of calories you are consuming on a daily basis. Low energy density foods are perfect for you. Limit the calories you consume but maintain the volume ingested is a concept put forth by nutritionists all over the world. This means food items with high water and fiber content viz. vegetables and cooked whole grains. Incorporate more vegetables and fruits in your diet throughout the day. Eat healthy; stay fitter! That's your mantra.

Fact about proteins

Adequate protein intake is also important. Replacing unhealthy fats and carbohydrates with proteins is imperative as they are building blocks for the muscles. You are going in for weight loss, but you have to make sure that you don't end up losing muscles in the process. Lean proteins which include beans, legumes, and white-meat poultry are the best when it comes to getting that protein into your system. Try cutting down on all sources of red meat and indulge in fish proteins which are easily absorbed by the human body. Try and distribute the protein intake into all the different meals you have throughout the day.


Finally, we come to the aspect of self-control. You need to practice patience. Restraint is essential to control cravings for junk food and "carb" laced treats including pastries and sweet dishes. These activate the "reward system" within the body. Thus chemicals are released that makes you feel satisfied and happy. Exercise self-control to reward yourself on weekends or a single treat per day. Exercise regularly, go for jogging sessions, invest in a home gym; any outdoor activity helps you to lose weight. Get ample sleep, as human bodies tend to burn calories and a lot when we sleep. Try and weigh yourself regularly and don't feel too frustrated about small fluctuations.

Work patiently towards your ideal body goal. It is not rocket science. Belief is what you need!  

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