
Benefits of Home DNA Paternity Testing

Home DNA paternity tests are currently available in almost all states.  These non-invasive tests are affordable, easy to use, and very accurate.  According to DNA testing company Home DNA, paternity tests yield a 99.999% accuracy level.  Confidential test samples are sent to a lab, and results are given in less than one week.  Multiple potential fathers can be tested.  Many people associate paternity testing with child support claims and other legal action.  However, home DNA tests are not typically admissible in court.  The benefits of ruling out a potential father and determining the real father of a child go far beyond child support payments.

Positive Paternal Identification is Arguably a Father’s Right

Many fathers would want to know whether or not they have a child.  Similarly, many fathers want to be a positive influence for their children and involved in their children’s lives.  Not all fathers that no longer have a relationship with the mothers of their children are stereotypical “deadbeat dads.”  Fathers can help influence positive child development by being around their children.  There also remains an argument that the mother of a child has a possible ethical obligation to determine who the father of her child is and notify the individual.

Positive Paternal Identification Can Provide Peace for Children

Numerous children that grow up in single-parent households are fine.  Many children have a natural curiosity as to who both of their parents are.  Identifying a father that does not wish to be in a child’s life can also help a child find closure when he or she grows up. 

Helpful Tip: What to Say to a Child with an Absentee Father

It is often easier to explain to a child why his or her father is no longer around than leave the child with nagging questions for the rest of his or her life.  It is important to make it clear to your child that he or she is not to blame for an absent father.  Many mental health professionals believe that it is much easier for most parents to handle a series of conversations with a confused and distraught child rather than handle a very angry adolescent later on.  Make sure all conversations are honest as well as developmentally appropriate.  Below are a few tips about what to say and what not to say to a confused child:

  • It is very important to make it clear that your child is not and was never at fault.
  • Do not disparage the father’s character as it can be difficult for your child.
  • Explain adult situations in a developmentally appropriate way.  For example, tell your child that an absentee father was not thinking clearly and made a bad decision.
  • Do not make statements that are false or cannot be verified, even if you think they would be comforting. 
  • Be open.  Listen to what your child has to say about the situation.

It is important to have this conversation when you know that you are able to keep your cool and stay calm.  This scenario is not easy for many mothers. It is important not to get angry during the conversation as you do not want to further upset your child. 

More Options for Family Planning

As mentioned earlier, many fathers are interested in supporting their children.  Home DNA paternity testing offers more options for parents to plan what their next steps should be.  It is not always necessary to demand child support through lengthy and often ugly court proceedings.  Parents can frequently draft a parenting plan with the assistance of a mediator.  This approach to parenting can be highly beneficial in certain situations.  Other aspects of family planning can be positive.  For example, trusted relatives of the father can also be a positive influence in your child’s life.  Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins can offer assistance in the form of childcare and emotional support.  It is not always necessary to take aggressive legal action in the event a father is eager to be an active parent. 

Positive Paternal Identification Has Many Benefits

It is important to recognize that a father might be eager to be a positive influence in your child’s life or eager to skip town.  In any event, knowing who your child’s father is can be helpful for you as well as your child.  Invest in a home DNA paternity test to identify the father early on and answer pressing questions.

Presented by Home DNA

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