
Cancer From Zantac: The Types It Causes

Heartburn is a common problem experienced by people all over the world. Because of this, there's generally a very high demand for drugs that can potentially cure this problem. Manufacturers have scrambled for the creation of various medicines, both prescription and over-the-counter ones, that can help cure heartburn and other gastrointestinal issues. One of these is Zantac.

For many years, Zantac was a common medication for this purpose. It's safe to say that many individuals have taken Zantac over long periods in their lifetime. Unfortunately, this isn't an entirely safe medication to consume. Recently, it's been found to contain significant traces of NDMA or N-nitrosodimethylamine, a substance that is classified as highly carcinogenic.

This fact has brought about Zantac lawsuits all over the world. Victim-patients are now plaintiffs to the case, alleging that their intake of Zantac has caused them to develop cancer. Some of these different types of cancer include the following:

  1. Stomach Cancer

Apart from heartburn, Zantac can also be used for gastrointestinal problems. So, it was not entirely unexpected that one could develop stomach cancer from long-term use of this medicine.

Stomach cancer from taking Zantac starts to develop when cancer cells proliferate in the lining of your stomach. This is a slow type of cancer, which may take years to progress and be detected. As of late, there's very little information as to how stomach cancer can develop. But some of the commonly diagnosed causes are anemia, polyps, and bacterial infection.

The earliest symptoms that one may have stomach cancer would include a bloated feeling after meals, fatigue, unintentional weight loss, and persistent heartburn. You can also learn more pertinent information by reading through reputable sources like Drug Injury News and Information.

  1. Colorectal Cancer

This type of cancer is commonly referred to as bowel cancer, and affects one’s colon along with the rectum. Unfortunately, colorectal cancer is quite common, just like lung cancer. But, over the years, death rates have been reduced due to the advancements in technology and medicine.

When one has colorectal cancer, the early determinants can include:

  • Fatigue
  • Iron deficiency
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Changes related to bowel habits
  • Black or bloody stool

When an individual is diagnosed with colorectal cancer, it may be any of the following types:

  • Adenocarcinomas
  • Signet ring and mucinous
  • Carcinoid tumors
  • Lymphoma
  • Sarcoma

  1. Cancer In Small And Large Intestines

Cancer in the small and large intestines, also known as intestinal cancer, is the hardest to diagnose. This is precisely because, with this type of cancer, the symptoms can also be related to other problems. Therefore, it can be challenging to determine that it's not just any other health problem, but is a serious issue such as cancer.

The common symptoms that are associated with intestinal cancer are the following:

  • Jaundice, or the skin and eyes turning yellow
  • Abdominal pain
  • Anemia, or low red blood cell count
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dark-colored stools

An overall health check should be carried out if you experience these symptoms, such as imaging tests. That way, the root of the problem can be tackled early on before the problem escalates and it becomes too late.

  1. Brain Cancer

Not all brain tumors are cancerous, but once these are detected, it's essential to go through a thorough check to determine the extent of the growth. Brain cancer is one of the most life-threatening kinds of cancers, so this is something that has to be treated early on.

Some of the common symptoms of brain cancer include seizures, behavioral changes, sleepiness, and even confusion.

The causes of brain cancer are often different, but the commonality between all diagnosed patients would include exposure to secondhand smoke, radiation to the head, genetics, environmental factors, and HIV infection.

  1. Esophageal Cancer

As its name implies, esophageal cancer is the type of cancer that occurs in the esophagus. This refers to the tube that runs from the throat all the way to the stomach. While men are generally more prone to esophageal cancer, lifestyle habits and other risk factors have also caused women to fall prey to this disease.

Some of the telltale signs that could indicate that esophageal cancer is present can include:

  • Coughing or hoarseness
  • Dysphagia
  • Indigestion
  • Heartburn
  • Unexplained weight loss

The danger with esophageal cancer is that it might show no signs or symptoms in its earliest stages. You may have been taking Zantac long enough for you to have developed this type of cancer, without even having any symptoms to show for it.


This list is only the beginning of many potential types of cancer that you could develop by consuming Zantac. If you've taken Zantac before, or know of anyone who has done so, this could be worth investigating further. Whatever the type of cancer may be, it is a life-threatening disease. So rather than taking any chances in this regard, you should immediately speak to a doctor about your Zantac use.

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