
Health Guide: Conditions and Treatments (Page 13)

4 Ways To Relieve Back Pain

4 Ways To Relieve Back PainBack pain is quite a common occurrence among many individuals. Some have it only as a minor discomfort, while others, unfortunately, will experience something more persistent. When it has worsened, back pain can interfere with your personal and professional life. The back is very important for the body. After all, it’s the spine and the back muscles that support much of the body’s weight. This... ❯❯❯

Top 5 Dental Problems In Older Adults And What To Do About Them

Top 5 Dental Problems In Older Adults And What To Do About ThemYou’re likely to experience several dental issues in your lifetime, either minor or major. As you grow older, there’s a likelihood of dental issues becoming a concern. Therefore, it’s crucial to know about these common issues to help you prevent them. Also, you might be taking care of an older adult who has started developing dental problems. How will you help them deal will the issue? This... ❯❯❯

Chilliwack Psychologist and Counselling Clinic for Mental Health

Chilliwack Psychologist and Counselling Clinic for Mental HealthThere are several types of mental health disorders. Some persons often fail to seek help for some mental disorders because they see them as ordinary due to how common they are. A typical example is anxiety and depression. However, while some mental disorders are more common than others, all mental disorders have to be taken with the same level of seriousness, and medical attention must be gotten... ❯❯❯

Meth Mouth: How to Recover From Destroyed Oral Health

Meth Mouth: How to Recover From Destroyed Oral HealthMeth Mouth Is Every Dentist’s Worst Nightmare We all make mistakes. Finding yourself in a dark place and feeling like you have nobody to turn to can be dangerous, especially because you may feel like you need to start using and abusing drugs or alcohol to escape reality and feel better again. While that is far from the truth, many people go down this dark path, and one of the drugs they reach... ❯❯❯

How can I tell if I have a nasal fracture?

The most common facial fracture is a nasal bone break, accounting for approximately 50% of all cases. If you have experienced a physical altercation, a sports injury to the face, or a motor vehicle accident, there is every chance you have walked away with a nasal fracture.  However, figuring out whether you have a nasal fracture is not always straightforward. If you’re not quite sure, here’s... ❯❯❯

The Implications of Back Pain and How to Combat it

Almost everyone has had back pain at one time or another. However, some people have long-term issues with back pain, especially those who have had an injury, whether from a car accident, sports mishap or work incident. Many people ignore back pain, especially at first if the symptoms are minor, or they just "learn to live with it." The problem with leaving it untreated is that it will often get... ❯❯❯

12 Tips And Advice To Maintain Good Mental Health Through Addiction Recovery

12 Tips And Advice To Maintain Good Mental Health Through Addiction RecoveryAccording to research, addiction and mental health show a direct correlation. It isn’t uncommon for somebody suffering from psychiatric conditions, such as bipolar disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia, anxiety, and other mental health conditions, to experience substance abuse problems. Addictive behaviors or substance abuse are frequently used as a coping mechanism for psychiatric conditions, but... ❯❯❯

How To Heal After A Traumatic Event

How To Heal After A Traumatic EventTraumatic events happen regardless of economic status, gender, or age. A general population survey conducted in 24 countries showed that more than 70% of respondents had undergone a traumatic event, with 30.5% experiencing four or more traumatic events. A traumatic event can occur on a larger scale like wars, natural disasters, or a global pandemic that can negatively impact a community, state,... ❯❯❯

4 Tips For Coping With Adult Incontinence

4 Tips For Coping With Adult IncontinenceAnyone can experience urine leakage. When you laugh, cough, exert effort, feel surprised, or scared – you may have felt this sudden urge to urinate. However, it can become alarming when it becomes severe, accompanied by pain, or urinating before getting to the bathroom. Adult incontinence is commonly seen in pregnant women, older adults, and individuals with mental and physical illnesses. The... ❯❯❯

What Is Pain Management?

What Is Pain Management?Hitting your toes against the foot of the bed or touching a very hot surface in the kitchen will have you feeling pain immediately. However, you know that this type of pain is only temporary, and you should feel fine in a short time. Suffering an injury in an accident or as a result of surgery may have you feeling pain for a much longer period, while other conditions may have you dealing with... ❯❯❯

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