
Health Guide: Conditions and Treatments (Page 31)

Why Efficiency In Emergency Room Care Is So Important

Emergency room professionals have the very basic task of ensuring that their patients are in stable condition before leaving.  This, however, is actually far more challenging than it sounds, given the incredible variety of illnesses and injuries they treat.  The good news is that there are a number of innovative tools that are helping to increase the quality of care that is offered in these... ❯❯❯

What's the Difference Between a Tummy Tuck & Liposuction?

Tummy Tuck Versus Liposuction Tummy tucks and Liposuction are two complementary procedures that can be viewed as different stages in cosmetic surgery that’s aimed at improving abdominal contours. Liposuction is aimed at removing excess deposits of subcutaneous fat that are localized in the abdomen and elsewhere. Tummy tucks, on the other hand, remove excess abdominal skin and surgically tighten... ❯❯❯

Are You At Risk? 3 Debilitating Illnesses Wrongly Associated with Only the Old

When we're young, we tend to think we're invincible. Fit and healthy, we don't need to worry about illness or disease until we reach old age, right? Wrong! Although certain conditions are more common amongst the elderly, young people can be affected by a range of debilitating illnesses too. Fortunately, with modern technology, many young people are still able to live an active and full life in... ❯❯❯

5 Signs You Need a Hearing Aid

Getting older is a natural fact of life, and although some people are able to retain perfect vision and hearing, others may not be as lucky. In fact, hearing loss is a very common physical condition and can happen suddenly or gradually over time. Therefore you shouldn’t be surprised if at some point you realize your hearing has started to decline. However, thanks to the wide availability of... ❯❯❯

What to Do When You’re In An Accident

When you are in the heat of the moment that results in the aftermath of a motor vehicle accident, you will likely not be in your clearest state of thinking and are prone to make rash, vulnerable and spontaneous decisions that are not in the best interest of your finances and health. However, if you have a plan of the first few steps you might take upon being involved in an accident, you will be... ❯❯❯

Top 5 Dental Tips for the Modern Family

If there’s one thing that parents and children have in common, it’s the fact that no one finds themselves getting super excited about the thought of going to the dentist. The reason why is because deep down, we all know there’s a chance that we might be told that we have a bit of tooth decay that might result in a cavity that needs to be filled. And that’s not the most pleasant experience in the... ❯❯❯

5 Tips for Soothing and Treating Swollen Gums

Swollen gums are extremely uncomfortable and result in constant pain and discomfort. Typically, a doctor or dentist will be needed to completely treat the issue and resolve the problem. Luckily there are some non-invasive, simple things you can do to soothe and treat your swollen gums and at home. Here are 5 tips for soothing and treating swollen gums to ease your discomfort. Drink lots of... ❯❯❯

The Most Common Foot and Ankle Conditions

Since humans walk upright, we place a lot of pressure on our feet to perform. And the result can sometimes be damage to the feet and ankles. However, many common conditions and injuries are easy to avoid if you know about them in advance and you behave carefully. Here are just a few situations you’ll want to steer clear of where your feet and ankles are concerned. Sprains, strains, and... ❯❯❯

Risk Factors for Vision Impairment

Eye problems in children are likely more common than you think. Many cases of vision problems go undiagnosed, so it’s important to be aware of risk factors and signs that you may want to get your child some children's glasses. Some common signs of eye impairment include things like squinting or straining to see things in the distance, turning the head to one side when looking at something,... ❯❯❯

Ringing In The Ears: Five Tips to Terminate Tinnitus

Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, is seldom a sign of a serious problem. Unfortunately, knowing this does little to relieve the constant irritation that plagues those who suffer from tinnitus. Fret not though, there are ways to lessen or even eliinate the ringing. 1. Address the Underlying Cause Tinnitus is always a symptom of another problem, not a condition in and of itself. Hearing loss, ear... ❯❯❯

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