Total hip replacement surgery is an expensive business and, according to the findings of a study recently presented at the 2013 Meeting of theAmerican Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, costs over $6,000 more in Medicare expenses in the seven years after the procedure than other treatments for osteoarthritis-related hip pain. For patients who undergo surgery, however, there appears to be reduced... ❯❯❯
Hair loss management is an effort that involves different industries including fashion, medical, pharmaceutical, nutrition and exercise. Various methods of combating baldness and hair loss have been invented and used for many years. Most of the methods employed in combating hair loss involve products, therapies and devices that are used to stimulate hair growth, improve the scalp and hair... ❯❯❯
Many HIV/AIDS patients in developing countries cannot access quality healthcare. To be precise, as much as two thirds of these patients do not receive ARVs while the remaining one third stop taking medication after just two years. The main challenge facing these patients and low to middle-income countries is lack of financial resources to buy ARVs, train health workers, and build more medical... ❯❯❯
Teeth are pretty important to us humans. In addition to the whole helping us eat thing, teeth have a great deal of aesthetic and emotional power as well. They play a central role in our facial expressions, which communicate our emotions to the world and help us connect with our fellow members of the species. They can be used as a weapon, or even a warning—baring the teeth in a non-friendly manner... ❯❯❯
Over 31 million people suffer from some type of back pain. In fact, back pain is listed as the number one reason why people call in sick to work. There are a number of circumstances that can cause back pain. Moreover, there are multiple parts of our back that can be in pain: from the upper back to the lower back. These pains can be from strained muscles, torn ligaments, ruptured discs and more.... ❯❯❯
In order to understand what you can do to try to prevent cystitis it helps to know what causes cystitis in the first place, to ensure that you avoid these things as best you can. Cystitis can be caused by several things; one of the most common, a bacterial infection, occurs when bacteria enter the bladder and multiply. This often happens if you are unable to empty your bladder properly or... ❯❯❯
We all know that we’re supposed to brush our teeth at least twice a day, although after every meal is better, and most of us are also aware that flossing and rinsing should be part of the daily routine, as well. What you may not understand (or remember from childhood lessons) is why you are supposed to do these things. Bacteria in your mouth forms plaque on your teeth, and when you eat, food... ❯❯❯
The crushing, debilitating pain of a migraine is impossible to ignore. It destroys the ability to function normally, sometimes for days at a time. The causes are varied: a fluctuation in hormones, light that’s too bright or an increased level of stress, to name a few. Regardless of the cause, the result is enlarged blood vessels in the brain that stimulate nerve endings and can mean symptoms like... ❯❯❯
We’ve all had moments when we’ve found ourselves feeling a little lightheaded or dizzy. However, if it’s been a bit of a recurring experience for you, we definitely recommend that you make an appointment with your doctor. There could be a chance that you are suffering from what is known as vertigo—a health condition that is oftentimes associated with things like an ear infection or the result of... ❯❯❯
Millions of people all over the world are concerned about their blood pressure, and rightly so. High blood pressure can lead to numerous other medical problems, putting your good health and quality of life at risk. Luckily, there are many natural ways that you can lower your blood pressure and stay healthy for years to come. Incorporate these five great foods into your diet to help fight high... ❯❯❯