Addiction is an illness that affects people of all ages and backgrounds, regardless of gender, race, or socioeconomic status. Addiction treatment can help you overcome your addiction and lead a healthier life. The recovery process takes time and commitment, and there are multiple steps and aspects of the process. With the right support system in place—including family, friends, counselors, and... ❯❯❯
It’s estimated that fungal nail infections affect 10% of the population. Although, it should be noted that many of these people are older than 60. In fact, 50% of people over 60 are thought to have some form of fungal nail infection. As you age your nails grow slower and the blood flow to your toes reduces, making it easier for fungal nail infections to take hold. It’s worth noting that a fungal... ❯❯❯
Source: Maridav/
Did you know there's a clinical term for seasonal depression during the cold-weather months? It's called seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and it affects roughly 14%-26% of Americans in forms randing from mild to extreme. No matter how intense your SAD may be, there are practical ways to lower the intensity. You don't have to suffer silently for a third of the... ❯❯❯
Dental trauma can occur anytime due to accidents like motor collisions, trips and falls, and sports-related injuries. Dental trauma can be painful and put your general health and comfort at bigger risk if not given urgent care. Dental trauma is an injury to the teeth, gums, and surrounding tissues like lips, tongue, and jawbone. It is usually painful; however, when they are not, it is vital to... ❯❯❯
While joint pain is no cause for alarm, having it can cause extreme discomfort to you. Joint pain varies from mild to severe, and the level of discomfort will inform your next action for treatment. While joint pain is not an acute disease, if left for too long, it can lead to other consequences. The first thing you need to know is that you are not alone in having joint pain. In fact, in the... ❯❯❯
So far, no cure for dementia and Alzheimer's disease has been found. As expected, living with dementia or Alzheimer's or caring for a loved one with either disease can sometimes be overwhelming.
Individuals with dementia or Alzheimer's experience memory issues, trouble communicating, mobility issues, and bladder incontinence. Similarly, caregivers have to contend with fulfilling housekeeping... ❯❯❯
Most of us have experienced an insect bite at some point in our lives. We all know the discomfort of having a big red splotch on our arms or legs, the ones that our moms told us not to scratch no matter how itchy. While most bites are generally not dangerous, there are times when they cause infections and severe allergic reactions or anaphylaxis. As such, it would be wise to know how to deal with... ❯❯❯
Being in an accident means that your body got thrown around, possibly hitting a hard surface with great force. As a result, you may now be dealing with pain related to the accident and your injuries. Although some damage to your body may be visible to the naked eye, some internal injuries may be equally worrisome. If this is the case, the team of chiropractors at SnapCrack reminds you that your... ❯❯❯
The emotional stability of adults is a process that begins in childhood. Many factors contribute to an adult's emotional state and are crucial for proper emotional development. One of those factors is family and family environment. Children with negligent families or little to no family support are more likely to develop emotional disorders. Around the world, alcoholism, for example, is one of... ❯❯❯
Occupational therapy has been helping many people overcome difficulties in their lives after suffering from injuries or debilitating diseases. The treatment plan has helped them regain control of their movements so they can go back to the things they love doing. Aside from recovery after an injury or illness, occupational therapy has also helped many children with developmental delays to grow... ❯❯❯