
Health Guide: Industry Guides (Page 9)

DonorEase Medical Products and Equipment Online

DonorEase Medical Products and Equipment OnlineMany self-insurers have various options when it comes to buying and arranging medical equipment and products for their injured employees. Some source their equipment from the stores, and others order online for more convenience. Tapping into some network of ancillary companies and product providers is possible today with the help of technology and the internet, and they can be helpful in your... ❯❯❯

4 Reasons Why Medical Equipment Must be Sterile

4 Reasons Why Medical Equipment Must be SterileMedical equipment needs to be sterile to be safe to use. How sterile the equipment must be is subject to some debate in the medical community. Certainly, for reusable pieces of equipment, they can be re-sterilized between patients and uses. Doing so can protect each subsequent patient’s health, and that of healthcare workers while still keeping hospital budgets contained. Royalty free photo ... ❯❯❯

Growing a Medical Practice: What You Need to Know

Growing a Medical Practice: What You Need to KnowWorking in the healthcare sector is one of the most rewarding careers out there, but it can also be highly profitable. When you open your own practice, you have the opportunity to use your entrepreneurial talents to build a thriving business, as well as delivering exemplary care to your patients. Royalty-free image Of course, running a medical practice does mean dealing with the day-to-day... ❯❯❯

Why should you pursue a career in speech pathology?

Young individuals are often confused with choosing the right career path. This is especially true in this day and age given the innumerable options available now. From directing towards the medical industry to being a legal professional, there are various avenues open. Speech pathology is one of those avenues that can be entered into. However, a lot of people are not aware about the benefits of... ❯❯❯

How to choose the right hospital curtains?

Hospital is made up of different things. Each room has its own role. For example, operation theatres are particularly meant for operations only. Emergency wards are only for those patients who are under emergency circumstances. However, each and every room contains curtains which can play an important role. Hospital curtains are installed for many reasons. From maintaining patient privacy to... ❯❯❯

Telemedicine Security: How to Secure Your Remote Medical Practice

Telemedicine Security: How to Secure Your Remote Medical PracticeThe COVID-19 pandemic poses many challenges for healthcare professionals. However, with the help of technology and the possibilities of remote working, many medical offices are able to continue to offer their services in a secure manner. Health professionals adapt to circumstances, requiring masks and regular sanitary procedures on site, but also by offering remote telemedicine services. In... ❯❯❯

5 Tools Doctors Use To Make Their Job Easier

5 Tools Doctors Use To Make Their Job EasierThe field of medicine is one of the areas that has benefited greatly from technology. These days, health professionals can take advantage of specialized equipment to make their jobs easier. Doctors and health professionals can find various tools for any function they need, from patient care to diagnostic, and analytics. The following are advanced tools that can help doctors, nurses, and... ❯❯❯

Physician Job Market Trends Under Covid-19

Physician Job Market Trends Under Covid-19The healthcare system has been under a great toll since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. There are increasing economic drawbacks in revenue and patient volume. Many hospitals across the US had to furlough staff members and reduce payments as a means to survive the crisis. Employment also decreased drastically. While hospitals made cutbacks across selected areas to redirect resources to... ❯❯❯

How mobile medical units are changing the health industry

How mobile medical units are changing the health industryUntil the past decade, the impact of mobile medical units on healthcare has barely been evaluated in full. However, the pandemic putting great strain on hospitals and clinics has forced practitioners to look for ways to alleviate it. Slowly but surely, they’re seeing the potential of these hospitals on wheels as a game-changer in the health industry. According to David Cutler, an economics... ❯❯❯

What Agency Regulates Nursing Homes in Florida?

What Agency Regulates Nursing Homes in Florida?The decision to transition an elderly loved one into an assisted living facility can be a difficult but necessary choice.  Sometimes for the quality of life, dignity, and safety of our aging loved ones, they must be placed into long-term care once their health needs can no longer be met at home. If you are facing this choice, how do you know which nursing homes are reputable and safe? What do... ❯❯❯

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