
Common Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. It affects 90% to 95% of the 26 million Americans with diabetes. Diabetes affects people from all walks of life, but it is most prevalent in people over the age of 20. Diabetes ranks right up there with cancer, stroke and heart disease as one of the most widespread, possibly fatal, diseases. Unfortunately, there is no cure, but you can successfully treat it, provided you have right diagnosis. Over 7 million people go undiagnosed for type 2 diabetes each year. Type 2 diabetes can cause irreparable harm to the body over time. People with type 2 diabetes, unlike people with type 1 diabetes, can produce insulin, but the body cannot produce enough of it, which leaves the cells of many organs to function improperly. Here are some of the most common signs of type 2 diabetes.

Increased hunger is one of the number one signs of type 2 diabetes. Without enough insulin to properly move sucrose into your cells, your organs and muscles become exhausted of energy. This can prompt intense hunger, even if you have just had a meal.

Another common sign is frequent urination and, subsequently, thirst. If your bloodstream is filling up with excess sugar, much needed fluid is being pulled from the tissues. This vicious cycle can leave you thirsty and having to urinate multiple times during the day. It is best to ask your doctor how much is too much.

And because your body is working overtime to over compensate for the lack of sugar, you may find yourself always feeling tired. Fatigue is another common sign of type 2 diabetes.

Weight loss is another alarming sign that you might have type 2 diabetes. Even though you are eating more to alleviate the hunger, without your body's natural ability to process glucose, your body will use alternative energy, which is stored in your muscle and fat. Many of the much needed daily caloric intake is lost as glucose is released with frequent urination.

Another sign is a secondary condition called acanthosis nigricans, which can be caused by type 2 diabetes. This is characterized by dark patches of skin, sometimes velvety, that are typically found in the armpits and around the neck. This can be a result of insulin deficiency.

Blurry vision is another symptom that is typical of type 2 diabetes. If your blood sugar levels are too high, the much needed fluid in your eyes can dry up leaving your lenses unable to focus properly.

Type 2 diabetes also leaves your body unable to heal properly. If you start to notice slow healing sores and frequent infections this may be a sign that you need to go to doctor.

Type 2 diabetes is limiting, but it doesn't mean you can't lead a normal life. The best thing you can do is be prepared is to know your options, like finding a good specialist and perhaps looking for life insurance for diabetics. There are also lots of ways to save money on medical supplies - because you'll need them - by asking your doctor or doing a little bit of research online. The most important thing to remember is that even if you have type 2 diabetes support is widely available.

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