Essential Foods for Combating Acne
Diet and Acne
Numerous studies over the years have indicated that adding specific foods to the diet can promote clearer skin. An individual’s overall health is more than skin deep. Healthy skin relates to an intricate balance between the foods consumed, and certain hormones levels in the body. Unfortunately, some teenage girls are at a greater risk to develop acne during puberty, due to an increase in the male hormones, androgens. Higher levels of androgen are generally an inherited trait. These male hormones increase the production of oily skin, which leads to blocked pores and resulting acne. The good news is that adding more fruits and vegetables to the diet, along with limiting other types of foods will produce better looking skin.
Foods that Promote Clearer Skin
There are approximately 40 to 50 million people in the United States who have acne. Teenagers are at a greater risk for acne, but young adults and even older people can suffer from breakouts. Dermatologist in numerous studies have discovered that eating certain foods can improve the appearance of the skin. Vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamin A help to reduce the production of excess oils, strengthens skin tissue and operate as antioxidants to restore damaged cells limiting the creation of wrinkles and small lines. These foods are good sources of vitamin A; sweet potatoes, carrots, dark leafy greens, butternut squash, dried herbs, dried apricots, and cantaloupe. Zinc is a mineral that plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin. Zinc is instrumental in repairing damaged skin tissue, minimizing scaring associated with acne and decreasing oil production. These foods are good sources for Zinc; pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, wheat germ and chickpeas. There are different kinds of vitamin B, which have distinctive acne fighting properties; B6 reduces the effects of premenstrual flare-ups caused by hormonal imbalances, while decreasing oil production and B5 strengthens the body’s ability to combat the harmful effects of stress, which may cause acne. Insufficient levels of B1, B5 and B2 weaken the body’s capacity to maintain healthy skin. The best food sources for vitamin B are found in whole grains, nuts and seeds.
Foods to Avoid
Milk containing hormones may elevate the level of androgen, which increase oil production, blocked pores and breakouts. Too much sugar in the diet raises insulin levels, which also increases the production of androgen. Excess iodine can cause individuals with cystic acne to have flare-ups. The best way to support healthier skin is to eat foods, which restore the body’s natural defensives and maintain hormonal balance. Foods that are rich in vitamin B and A as well as adding more Zinc to a diet will establish more vital and attractive skin.
Peter Wendt is an avid writer living in the great state of Texas. His home is in Austin, Texas where he writes about skin care and dermatology. He suggests his readers click here to learn more about acne treatment.
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