Healthy Dinner Party Food Options for Your Next Family Gathering
If you’re someone who is known to throw a pretty great party, then if you have one coming up over the next few weeks, we’re pretty sure that one of the things that you’re busy doing is putting a great menu together: one that is affordable, full of flavor and also healthy too.
And while we do know that sometimes pulling off a meal like this can be a pretty tall order, we’ve actually got a list of five healthy dinner party food options that will prevent you from blowing your budget but will also be tasty and good for everyone’s health too.
Check these five options out below:
Bruschetta. If you’re curious to know a really easy food to make for an upcoming dinner party, the top on our list would have to be bruschetta. We say that because all that you need is some Italian bread along with some fresh tomatoes, basil, garlic and olive oil. If you mix everything together and put it on top of some slices of bread, your bruschetta is ready to dig into.
Homemade Salsa or Guacamole. If you’re having a party with a Mexican theme or you simply enjoy eating tortilla chips, how about making some homemade salsa or guacamole? For the salsa, all you need are some tomatoes, bell peppers, cilantro, lime juice, black pepper, cumin, salt and diced onion. To make guacamole, all you need are some avocados, plain yogurt, lime juice, cilantro and some Pico de Gallo. For a great salsa recipe, visit All Recipes and put “fresh tomato salsa” in the search field. For an amazing guacamole recipe, visit AZ Central and put “yogurt guacamole” in the search field.
Chicken Kabobs. Something that is packed with flavor while being low on calories is chicken kabobs. Some of our favorites are the ones that have a jerked chicken flavoring to them. You can make these by creating your own jerked chicken marinate complete with orange juice, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon and soy sauce. After marinating and then cooking the chicken, you can then dip the kabobs in mango salsa. Food Network is a website that has an easy-to-follow recipe. Just go to the site and put “jerked chicken kabobs” in the search field.
Sushi. So, what can you do if you are planning an Asian-theme party? Our vote would be to make some sushi. Salmon, tuna, jasmine rice, cucumber and avocado can make it truly delectable. If you’ve never made it before, Tickle My Taste Buds is one website that will walk you through the entire process. Go to the site and put “perfect sushi” in the search field.
Apple or Strawberry Crisp. Do you want to serve your guests a healthy dessert that only takes a few minutes to make? Well, something that a catering company like Martin’s Caterers may recommend as healthy food options for a dinner party is apple or strawberry crisp. The best thing about this particular option is that you probably already have all that you need in your cabinets and refrigerator: butter, oatmeal (or granola), brown sugar, cinnamon (and nutmeg) and fresh red green apples or strawberries. You can read more about how to make fruit crisp by going to Food and put “strawberry crisp” in the search field. (Remember, if you would prefer apple, simply substitute the strawberries for apples.)
Red Wine. A healthy drink for your dinner party would be red wine. It’s loaded with polyphenol, a compound in red grapes that lowers blood pressure and is good for heart health. If you want to reduce the caloric intake, create a seltzer with a half wine, half seltzer combination. For an awesome red wine seltzer recipe, visit The Kitchen and put “wine spritzer” in the search field.
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