How An Emergency Dentist Can Save Your Chipped Tooth
Emergency dentists are specialists in dental care who may make their services available 24/7 and/or allow clients to schedule immediate appointments. A dental emergency can be defined as an emergency which involves a persons teeth or gums where immediate attention by a dentist or dental professional required.
The need for emergency dentists in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, or any other area may be required by a person who has a toothache that causes a high amount of pain, prevents them from sleeping, may be in danger of losing the tooth or teeth, or any other issue that requires immediate releif. Some people try to handle dental emergencies on their own while others do the smart thing and try to reach an emergency dentist in order to get the correct remedy.
Despite the fact that toothache is handled with a lot of caution, there are situations which are mainly considered emergent in this field. Some of them include but not limited to; broken tooth, knocked out tooth, severe toothache, temporary crown fall out, cut tongue and broken jaw. Before seeking emergency dental services, consider how serious it is. Some of them can even be handled at home.
If you have a chipped, fractured or a broken tooth, you need to see dentist as soon as possible. It is recommended that you seek the assistance immediately in order to prevent further damage to your tooth. This calls for the need of emergency dentist services.
Permanently broken tooth is a dental emergency. If a tooth has permanently broken, the chances of its success after re-implantation are high if it is re-inserted within 30 minutes of the damage. Therefore, seek the service immediately when this happens.
Follow the following procedure to make sure that you recover effectively.
1. Collect the teeth and/or its fragments.
Broken teeth and teeth fragments should be handled with a lot of care to aid in effective re-implantation. In light of this, do not touch the root of the teeth but instead try to grab it at the top. Rinse it if it has fallen to remove anything that may adhere to the tooth but do not scrape it.
2. Try to re-insert or store the teeth.
Start by rinsing your mouth with warm water. If it is possible, re-insert the teeth to the correct socket, otherwise if not possible; store it in whole milk to prevent it from drying.
3. Try to treat the symptoms with preventative measures.
Control symptoms such as bleeding, swelling and pain. You can use a piece of cloth or sterile gauze to control bleeding. Apply a cool compress to help lessen pain and swelling.
4. Get the help of an emergency dentist.
After you have performed the above activities, you will now have to seek the help of an emergency dentist. It does not matter whether you have successfully re-implanted the tooth or not. You still need to see a dentist to ensure that your issue is correctly taken care of.
However, if your tooth is broken or chipped, you will have to call a dentist because regardless because you are in jeopordy of losing the tooth.
An emergency dentist will examine your teeth and gums and make sure the necessary steps are taken to treat the issue. As discussed above, the treatment will mostly depend on the nature of the tooth. For example, a dentist may repair a damaged tooth with a filling if a small piece of tooth enamel is chipped off.
Regardless you should always contact a dentist to make sure that your emergency dental issue is correctly taken care of and any future issues are avoided.
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