
How to Detect Common Health Hazards Lurking in Older Home

When you happen to live in an older home, while it tends to come with its own charm (and oftentimes a lot more room), if there’s one thing that you definitely need to be on the lookout for, it’s certain potential health hazards.

Now we’re not saying that there are things lurking in your house that should make you afraid to live there; it’s just that the more aware you are of some of the common challenges that come with owning an older house, the easier it will be to remove them so that you and your family will not have to deal with certain health-related issues later down the road.

If you’d like to know some of the specific common health hazards that tend to be in older houses, we’ve enclosed a list of three of them below:

Mold. One thing can be found in a lot of homes, especially the ones that have humid climates, is mold. And while microscopic mold spores are everywhere, when they collect in one spot, they can infest an area and cause respiratory issues for people living in its space. If you happen to notice black, fuzzy patches, especially on wood or plastic area in your house, apply some bleach or better yet, some white vinegar directly on the mold. To prevent it from happening in the future, look out for water leaks around your house. They are definitely a huge cause of mold and mildew in any home.

Radon and Carbon Monoxide. If you happen to have holes in the foundation of your house, that is one way for radon to creep in. The reason why you want to prevent this from happening is because radon exposure is a leading cause of lung cancer. Also, if you have a wood-burning fireplace or an older furnace, there’s a potential for carbon monoxide to come into the rooms of your house. Exposure to it can result in anything ranging from nausea to ultimately death. Due to the fact that both gases are colorless and do not have a scent, you cannot rely on your physical senses to detect them in your home. You are going to have to purchase a radon and a carbon monoxide detector. You can usually find them at your local home improvement store.

Asbestos. People who happen to live in newer houses, usually don’t have to worry about being exposed to asbestos simply because so many house contractors know of the cancer health risk that comes with this kind of fiber being used as the insulation a house. But if you live in an older home and you notice that the insulation looks blue, silver or even yellow, you could potentially be in danger of inhaling asbestos; therefore, you need to contact a housing contractor immediately. Once the insulation has been completely removed, our recommendation is that you first put a couple of energy recover ventilators in your house to circulate fresh air into your home and then put down 12″ of a more eco-friendly material like sheep’s wool or aerogel. For more information on other health hazards that can be found in homes, visit and put “home health hazards” in the search field.

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