How to Stimulate Hair Growth
While combing your hair one day, you might have noticed that a lot of strands are coming out with the hair. This might be natural for others, but some get alarmed when they begin to see bald patches on their head. This is called alopecia or hair loss, and it can be caused by hormonal changes, heredity, a part of aging, and certain medical conditions.
If this is you, the good news is that several methods can be used to stimulate hair growth. Some people may opt for home remedies, while others seek professional help. It's best to explore other options out there that can make the hair more nourished, stronger, and smoother.
When the hair looks thinner, it might be because of genetics or acquired stress. Knowing what causes bald patches can help you apply the best and proper treatments. It's worth noting that no magic formula or product will produce instant results. Instead, doing the following can help an individual grow stronger strands over time.
Ways to Grow Hair
- Don't Go into a Limited Diet
Restricting your food intake and cutting out other sources of vitamins and minerals can result in more stress or deficiencies. When you don't have enough protein, fatty acids, and zinc, this might result in hair loss and shedding. Learn more about fatty acids’ effect on this site here.
The strands' growth and structure can be affected because of niacin deficiency. Telogen effluvium or temporary shedding may also be caused by weight loss, so eat a balanced diet. Always include fruits and veggies in meals throughout the day. Don't limit your diet and consult an expert so you can grow the hair in the most optimal way possible.
- Caffeine
Caffeine is very popular because it gives drinkers a quick boost of energy. Its topical usage is known to be a booster as well. You don't necessarily need to apply coffee to your hair. It's best to buy products like conditioners, shampoos, and hair spas with caffeine as ingredients. Research has shown that this component helps the cells proliferate and stimulate metabolism.
- Essential Oils
The essential oils don't just smell good, but they can also result in healthier strands. Rosemary, pumpkin seed, coconut, and aloe are generally applied for those experiencing female baldness. A study in 2015 discovered that rosemary oil is very effective and has similar results as minoxidil to restore the strands. Others use lavender, jojoba, lemon, and peppermint oil, showing promising results in preventing alopecia.
- Scalp Massage
Some people might spend too much buying shampoo and other products, but they might forget the more important aspect of alopecia: the scalp. This is the part of the head where the healthy foundation of the strands starts.
Studies have shown that a highly-effective scalp massage can decrease blood pressure, stress hormones, and heart rate. Enhanced blood flow to this area can strengthen the roots and make the follicles receive nutrients faster.
- Egg Yolk Masks
Hair grows about a quarter of an inch each month. While this process is natural, some products like egg yolks may stimulate shinier, stronger, and thicker locks. If the strands break before they grow below the shoulders, you might find that egg yolks can be your savior. They have high protein content that can nourish and strengthen the strands. Higher sulfur might also help minimize dandruff.
Is This Dangerous?
A few strands here and there are not necessarily dangerous. However, it might come with a medical condition that is the reason for alopecia, and it might be severe. Calorie restrictions and nutrient deficiencies may result in muscle loss, anemia, and other serious health issues if not addressed early.
Aside from causing alopecia, too much deficiency in iron may lead to depression, impaired brain functions, heart issues, and intestinal problems. Autoimmune diseases may also play a part in alopecia and medications that are associated with them.
Trying Out New Products
Multivitamins and biotin could promote hair growth, but you might want to check with your doctor before taking supplements and trying out over-the-counter medications. It's worth noting that some might react to the medicine differently, and side effects are more prevalent in some of them.
Adequate water, a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables, and good sleep may be more effective than soft gel capsules. You may also want to check companies like for shampoo and conditioner products that can stimulate hair growth. These products have money back guarantee so you could test if they work for you.
How Long Do You Have to Wait?
Growing a lot of hair does not happen overnight, but you can at least make sure that there's not going to be a hindrance to the natural process. A mask might not give you the results, but it might help grow stronger strands.
Research shows that it takes about a month to grow half an inch. It varies for every individual, but it might generally be about six inches in the space of a year. The key is to stick to your routines and be consistent with the care. Avoid getting into stressful situations since depression and hypertension can adversely impact the process.
What to Eat?
Eggs: Eggs are great sources of vitamins and minerals like protein. Having adequate amounts can help with alopecia, and biotin may help with keratin production.
Berries: The berries are abundant in antioxidants, vitamins, and other healthy compounds. The body generally uses vitamin C for collagen production, so it will prevent the strands from breaking and becoming brittle.
Spinach: Spinach is rich in iron, folate, and vitamins C and A. This is an excellent source of iron that aids in repair and growth. Research shows that deficiencies in iron may result in alopecia.
Fatty Fish: Herring, salmon, and mackerel can be excellent sources of omega-fatty acids. This can be linked to the healthy growth of the strands and an increase in the body's antioxidants.
There are many different ways to stimulate hair growth, but the ones most effective are also the simplest. Massaging your scalp regularly, eating a healthy diet, and using essential oils can all help to encourage hair growth. However, know that everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for another. Experiment with other methods and see what works best for you.
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