
Integrating Family Therapy and Addiction Treatment

Addiction is a concern for many people across the United States. As it stands, hundreds of thousands of individuals are diagnosed with a substance use disorder or form of addiction every year. One of the most critical factors supporting addiction treatment is developing a robust support system. This can be difficult for individuals who have struggled with addiction and alienated one or more of their family members. One option to support individuals who fall into this category is to offer family therapy and addiction treatment simultaneously. Not addressing the concerns of the family concerning addiction leads to a cycle of dysfunction within a family unit.

Understanding Family Dynamics in Addiction

Addiction impacts every area of family life. It can cause financial stress, mental stress, and physical can be dangerous for everyone involved. Substances can alter an individual’s personality and their ability to control impulses, opening themselves and their family up to mood swings, anger, and other dangerous impulses. 

In a family struggling with addiction, the impact and who is affected is determined by the relationship status. For children, parents often feel shame, blame, fear, and concern. When it comes to a partner or spouse developing an addiction, individuals can develop co-dependent relationships that are detrimental to both parties.

Understanding Family Therapy in Addiction Treatment

When an addicted family member chooses or is placed in treatment, this can be difficult for not only the person with a substance use disorder but the family as well, especially if it is unexpected or due to an inciting incident. Individuals in addiction treatment are immediately assessed, and treatment plans are determined. However, the family is not often directly addressed unless a need is identified or the client seeking help is a minor.

Family treatment often occurs in a group setting between the family and the addicted person. This can be very stressful for some individuals, so it is usually a process that is added in after the client has had some time to develop coping skills to address their triggers and support their long-term health. The therapist or counselor will prepare the client befor3e adding their family members into the mix to give the most structured support possible.

Benefits of Family Therapy in Addiction Treatment

Family therapy in addiction treatment offers several benefits for the clients and the family members impacted by the client’s behaviors. The number one benefit of family therapy in addiction treatment is the opportunity to open supported communication. With the support of a counselor or therapist, the client, and the family members can be guided through cognitive behavioral therapy and other group therapy that encourages listening skills and personal dialogue. 

Following the enhancement of communication skills within the family unit, family therapy allows the family unit to break down barriers and foster open dialogue in a supported environment. This kind of communication can promote positive, healthy growth in relationships and help repair damage done by addiction.

Challenges and Considerations in Family Therapy

There are several significant challenges when it comes to addressing family therapy through addiction treatment. It can be possible that the relationship is damaged beyond repair or that an individual does not wish to repair the damage. This can lead to communication breakdowns, resistance, and denial. Individuals who face these barriers often do not find family therapy in addiction treatment as beneficial as others.

When looking into family therapy, it is essential to consider the logistical challenges and the family’s feelings about addiction. When a family member is unwilling to engage or feels a significant amount of shame surrounding addiction, it can be difficult for the family session to be successful.

Family Therapy with Atlanta Recovery Place

Addiction is a disorder that impacts the entire family unit. Individuals who struggle with addiction do not choose that lifestyle and often require the support of their family to recover successfully. Choosing addiction treatment with Atlanta Recovery Place opens options for family therapy and individual growth toward addiction goals. 

Atlanta Recovery Place develops tailored addiction treatment plans that encourage solution-based treatment processes and holistic treatment. Through this process, individuals can learn strategies for overcoming obstacles, ensuring the effectiveness of treatment, and building relationships.

Contact our alcohol rehab in Georgia to learn more about the benefits of family therapy for addiction.

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