The Most Common Causes of Nasal Congestion
Nasal congestion can be one of the most frustrating and debilitating conditions – no matter what is causing it. Nasal congestion, or runny nose as it is often called, is also really common, especially in the winter months. However, there are a number of reasons why you might have a runny nose, or nasal congestion. Some of the most basic causes of nasal congestion aren’t something you should worry about too much, but if your nose is chronically congested or runny, you should probably speak with a doctor. Also, knowing what some of the causes of nasal congestion are will allow you to come up with adequate solutions. Here are some of the most common causes of nasal congestion.
One of the most common causes of nasal congestion is a sinus infection. These infections are usually viral and are associated with the common cold. What can happen is that the nose– or nasal cavity – becomes infected and the body releases certain chemicals that result in the nasal cavity producing more mucous, which can result in congestion. A sinus infection can often linger for a long time and can be hard to relieve. If it seems like the infection is not going away, it is recommended to consult with your physician.
Another common cause of nasal congestion is a deviated septum. A deviated septum can be caused by either an injury or you can be born with it. Basically, the structure of the nasal cavity is deviated or is off kilter, which can result in your sinuses producing more liquid and mucous. The septum is located in the upper part of your nose and is a thin layer of cartilage that separates the two nostrils. A deviated septum can start to become extremely aggravating, so in some cases, surgery might be necessary.
Next, you might also have some kind of nasal obstruction, like a growth or polyps. A congested nasal passage is oftentimes your body’s response to something obstructing the nasal cavity. One of the most common obstructions is a nasal polyp. A nasal polyp is a benign growth that can start to pop up in and around your nasal cavities. To remove these polyps, surgery is recommended, especially if they are prevalent and don’t seem to stop popping up.
Also, asthma can be another common cause of nasal congestion. Asthma is considered a general disorder that affects all of the body’s airway passages: ear, nose, and throat. If you have asthma, chances are that your mucous membranes are inflamed and are fighting off a number of other elements, like indoor and outdoor allergens. Asthma can be a debilitating disorder, but it is manageable. Once the asthma is managed and treated, patients usually report having a less congested nasal passage.
Lastly, another extremely common cause of nasal congestion is allergies. Allergies can make you wheezy, lightheaded and it can cause a serious runny nose. These allergens can include dust, pet dander, pollen, mold and much more – even some spicy foods can cause allergies. If you have serious allergies, you might benefit from wearing First Defense nasal screens, which can help protect your nasal passages from the most common air pollutants. There are also many other treatments to help manage your allergies, but you should always consult with your physician first.
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