Vibration White Finger FAQ
Vibration White Finger, also known as Dead Finger or Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome, is a form of Raynaud’s Syndrome. It’s an injury common to those who work in industrial environments, usually contracted after prolonged use of vibrating, hand-held machinery.
This condition affects tens of thousands of industrial workers each year, some of who go on to make vibration white finger claims. This article goes through some of the questions you may have with regard to this condition.
What are the symptoms?
The first warning sign will likely be a tingling sensation of ‘pins and needles’ in the fingers. At first, it will be felt just in the fingertips, but will continue downwards, affecting the knuckles, possibly making the area appear white in colour. This means that your blood vessels and nerves have been affected.
Next, you’ll experience discolouration of the fingers, particularly when your hands are exposed to the cold. After going white, your fingers will experience a red flush, which means that your blood has started to circulate in your fingers again.
After this, your muscles and dexterity will be severely affected. You will experience a lot of pain, and the inability to grip things. You’ll also experience a loss of sensation and feeling, and it may be worsened in cold weather. You’ll find that you will be unable to perform most tasks with your hands.
What do I do if I think I have vibration white finger?
As with most work-related accidents and injuries, you should immediately report the situation to your superior, as well as gather ample evidence of your condition, if you’re thinking of making a compensation claim.
It would be beneficial to also gather witness statements, who can testify to the working conditions and the way the machinery works in your environment.
How do I make a claim?
What you need to understand with these types of work-related injuries is that the time frame for making a claim is very small. You need to act fast, otherwise you’ll lose out on getting compensation. You need to gather your evidence, make sure you’ve reported it to your superiors and then get in touch with a solicitor as soon as you’ve gotten medical attention.
As soon as you’ve gotten your GP’s advice and diagnosis, you should seek out a specialised solicitor who deals with similar types of claims, as he or she will know the best routes to take when it comes to getting your compensation.
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