Wheel-ey Good
So you’re after a new wheelchair but you’re not sure where to go for a good range or even how to pick from that range. Perhaps it’s the first time you’re buying your wheelchair solo? I remember my first car purchase without my Dad being there. I was terrified of making a bad call and being stuck with it for the next few years. I’m not sure this is exactly like that but it’s certainly similar. What I’m getting at is that it is an important decision, particularly if you use your chair 24/7.
I’ve done a bit of research and found some top tips for getting the chair of your dreams. Firstly, you’ve got to do your own research. Start with the internet and cast your net far and wide. Look at as many designs and price ranges as you can, even if they are out of your league it is good to know what is out there. When you’ve got an idea of what you’d like, it’s time to hit the shops with a friend or two. You don’t want to get blown away by the fact that one of them comes with a purple metallic frame. Taking some support will fend off any over enthusiastic salesmen and help keep you grounded and realistic.
Next remember that only you know what you need. Your specialist can advise you from a health and wellbeing angle sure, but they aren’t you, they don’t have to live it. The salesperson is certainly not you and whilst they will know much more about the different models it is up to you to take this information and make your own choice.
Lastly, spend as much as you can without breaking the bank. This sounds obvious and yet is probably the most ignored piece of advice. My Granddad used to say that the most important pair of shoes you buy are your work shoes as you stand up in them all day. He wasn’t to know that I was going to become a writer and sit at a computer for hours on end and so he has a valid point. If it is something that is going to be part of your everyday life it’s worth spending that little bit extra to get the right one.
So, armed with this knowledge, now you need to start from the beginning, research. And where better to start looking at a great selection of wheelchairs than an experienced company with a clear website and a showroom you can visit as well. Happy shopping!
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