7 Reasons To Get a Dental Procedure Done
While dental procedures can be a distressing and uncomfortable experience for some people, it is important component of our wellbeing. As humans, we get one mouth and one set of teeth only so it is crucial that we take decent care of them both. Besides general oral health benefits, there are numerous other reasons that are procedure specific as to why you would want to have that dental procedure done. Here are 7 of the main reasons why people like you choose to undergo dental procedures.
- To Improve Appearance
We all know that there is nothing more captivating then a big beautiful smile on anyone’s face. It is a scientifically proven fact of human behavior that the very first thing most people look at when interacting with you is your smile. It is no surprise that one of the most cited reasons of getting a dental procedure done is to enhance the appearance our smile because of these reasons. Some people are simply born with poorly structured teeth and some people have unsightly teeth due to injuries sustained or neglect of proper dental hygiene and care. Many people choose to get full dentures, partial dentures, and flexible dentures to fill the space of where they have no teeth. In some extreme cases a patient will elect to have all remaining teeth removed in order to get dentures in the place of them. In addition some patients want to improve their smile by straightening it with retainers and make it brighter with bleaching tray procedures.
- Alleviate Toothache Pain and Discomfort
Another commonly cited reason for having dental procedures done is to stop any pain that an individual has been experiencing or any discomfort they are experiencing. When teeth are decaying, pieces of a tooth can come loose and leave the nerve part of the tooth exposed and unprotected. This is a reason why a chronic toothache could occur. For those who have widespread tooth decay they may elect to have all or some of those teeth removed completely and replaced with full dentures, partial dentures or flexible dentures. Others may elect to have a root canal or root canals done and then have crowns implanted into the bone that holds the teeth into their place. In addition, those who have misaligned or crooked teeth might want to get special retainers to straighten them out because it of place tooth edges rubbing the inside of the mouth can cause irritation and a misaligned bite can cause jaw discomfort or pain.
3. Maintain Optimal Oral Health
Some patients elect to have certain dental procedures done to either save and redeem their oral health or maintain their optimal oral health. Unaddressed tooth decay can cause a myriad of various issues that can be serious for not only your mouth but also your entire body. The functions of being able to mechanically chew food is imperative to maintaining good oral hygiene. Many patients elect to replace all or some of their missing teeth with dentures so that they will be able to chew and digest food normally. Sometimes the straightening and re alignment of teeth is a necessary procedure because a jaw or set of teeth that is not aligned correctly cannot perform chewing functions correctly leading to poor oral health and hygiene. When a tooth is chipped, cracked, or damaged, it may be necessary to undergo dental procedures such as root canals and tooth extractions in order to maintain oral health and prevent dangerous infections in the gums from forming.
- Trouble Eating Normally
A good part of keeping our entire body healthy is by feeding it enough nutritious food to effectively carry out all of its functions. While we have already covered the importance of the chewing mechanism to oral health, it is also important to consider the other consequences of being unable to eat properly due to dental problems. Because struggling to eat is such a frustrating issue to deal with, many patients will end up seeking help from a dental professional to resolve it. A number of things happening in the oral cavity can cause difficulty with eating food. Extreme tooth sensitivities, uncomfortable pressure when eating, pain when eating, extremely irritable gums, and other problems can make it very hard to consume enough food to get your daily nutritional intake. A patient may need to undergo procedures to reinforce very sensitive teeth that have been worn down. If there is discomfort that can be described as a pressure feeling when eating certain foods, this can indicate that the patient needs to fix the positioning of teeth with retainers. If the pain experienced while eating is attributed to damaged teeth then the patient may need to have teeth extracted and replaced with full or partial dentures. A patient who experiences frequent and severe gum irritations may need a dental procedure to clean out infected gums and help with refitting dentures to prevent future irritations.
5. Specific Medical Conditions
There are many medical conditions that a patient may suffer from that can actually cause dental problems, rather then the other way around. This can be a reason that someone would have dental procedures done, considering how difficult some of these conditions can make keeping your teeth in good condition. Acid reflux is a condition where the corrosive acids that our stomach utilize to finish digesting food occasionally comes back up the esophagus into the back of the throat and mouth. These powerful stomach acids do a good number on the tooth enamel, effectively eroding and eating it away. This understandably will cause tooth sensitivity and expedited tooth decay, so at times dental procedures are necessary to intervene with this or replace teeth that are unable to be saved.
Other conditions such as pregnancy, treatment with chemo, and eating disorders can also have an extreme impact on your teeth that will require dental procedures to correct. With pregnancy , certain eating disorders, and treatment with chemo, the excessive vomiting characteristic of these conditions cause your teeth to repeatedly be exposed to those very same stomach acids that erode and eat away the enamel on your teeth. However, unlike acid reflux, these conditions do not isolate the damage to the teeth to the back of the mouth since vomit does not stay at the rear part of the mouth. Advanced tooth decay due to the worn down enamel often warrants dental procedures to repair or remove and replace the resulting damaged teeth.
6. Previous Dental Work
Dental devices such as dentures, retainers, partial dentures, and flexible dentures don’t always last a lifetime. Accidents happen, injuries happen, and shifts in the oral and jaw bone structures happen. Those are just a few of the causes of broken, damaged, or ill fitting dental devices that ultimately need to undergo a dental procedure to be repaired, replaced, or refitted. If a dental implant dislodges itself or if a retainer snaps in half, the patient will also need to undergo a dental procedure to be refitted for replacement and or re implantation.
7. Oral Sores and Ulcers
Lastly, a reason cited by numerous patients who undergo dental procedures is that they frequently experience painful and unsightly ulcers or sores throughout their mouths. Aside from structural abnormalities, there are many causes for frequent sores and ulcers through the mouth such as food getting stuck between gums and growing bacteria, in addition to gaps in the teeth and chipped or damaged teeth in general. Oral retainers to straighten and shift the teeth are often needed to close those gaps and implants or partial dentures are often needed to replace or repair severely damaged teeth that are causing ulcers to form.
If you suffer from any of these difficulties outlined above, reach out to DentureHaus today for a professional and compassionate team to help with your dental procedure needs.
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