7 Simple Ways to Manage Your Chronic Pain
Nearly half of the U.S.’s population suffers from chronic pain. While pain is the body’s way of letting you recognize that there is a problem, many chronic pain sufferers have found there is little relief to their pain symptoms, especially if the pain is due to an old injury or an incurable problem.
Because of the severity and persistence of the pain, chronic pain does need to be addressed and managed, otherwise it can lead to worse problems, both physically and emotionally.
Here are a few simple ways to manage your pain:
- Visit a Specialist
Many people avoid visiting a doctor, as for many, it is simply not a priority. Visiting a doctor takes precious time out of the day and can be costly, which can leave people blindly trying to understand their pain. However, with undiagnosed chronic pain, there could be a serious problem that you are unaware of. By visiting a specialist, such as Michigan Pain Specialists, you can not only trust you are being seen by educated doctors, but also can get information as to what is causing your pain.
- Hydration
For those who struggle with chronic pain symptoms like headaches, back aches, or carpal tunnel, hydration is one of the best ways to help ease the pain. Being dehydrated actually aggravates your pain, as your body needs the proper fuel to stay healthy and energized. Because chronic pain can be so debilitating, leaving you feeling tired and sluggish all day, it can be easy to reach for caffeine to fuel up on over water. However, diuretics actually leave you more dehydrated, thereby not helping ease your pain. Filling up on water can keep your muscles loose and your body able.
- Nutrition
Certain foods actually reduce inflammation, and for those suffering from injuries, eating the right types of foods can truly help ease pain symptoms. Eating foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acidscan reduce any inflammation in the body, as can leafy greens, asparagus, and fruits, such as cherries and cranberries.
While there are foods that reduce inflammation, there are also foods that increase inflammation, such as dairy, coffee, wine, citrus, and processed foods. Since these types of foods can affect each person differently, try cutting them out one at a time, as it can be easier to diagnose which ones are affecting your pain.
- Massage Therapy
A great way to manage your chronic pain is through massage therapy. The right type of massage can help loosen tense muscles, realign your body, and keep you feeling relaxed. For those dealing with pain related to their back or spine, massages can be extremely helpful to managing pain effectively.
- Yoga
Many people with chronic pain find that their muscles are extremely tense. For those dealing with back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, or hand pain, tense muscles can exacerbate your chronic pain, as tight, unrelaxed muscles can make your discomfort far more painful. Practicing yoga regularlycan help stretch your muscles, leaving them loose and flexible while also strengthening them.
Moreover, yoga has been known to decrease stress, which can also be an instigator of chronic pain. Stress increases muscle spasms, and muscle spasms are part of what triggers chronic pain. Taking the time to do yoga regularly can greatly decrease your body’s pain.
- Posture
Similarly to practicing yoga regularly, having a good posture can also help treat chronic pain symptoms. Many people fall victim to having poor posture, as it is easy to slouch while at the office, when driving, or even when relaxing. However, poor posture actually strains your back and neck muscles, making them work harder. For those dealing with pain stemming from the spine, good posture is crucial to preventing pain symptoms.
- Talk About Pain
Psychologically speaking, taking the time to talk about your symptoms, either with a specialist, through therapy, or with a friend or family member, can help ease pain symptoms. Keeping your pain to yourself can increase your stress levels, which, as mentioned above, can increase your pain. Speaking about your pain can decrease your symptoms, as it can help you rest easier and ease your tension.
These 7 tips can help you manage your chronic pain as best as possible.
Image Source: https://pixabay.com/en/massage-shoulder-relaxation-massage-389716/
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