ACLS Might Save Your Loved One’s Life
There may come that one day when your life-saving skills are put to the test, especially as reports and studies show that many Americans are out of shape and not doing all they can to take care of themselves.
With that being an issue, finding a ACLS training class in Tempe, Arizona or any number of other cities or states is of even more critical importance in today’s world.
When it comes right down to it, getting certified or recertified in the area of Advanced Cardio Life Support (ACLS) could mean the difference between life and death for one or more individuals you come across the rest of your lifetime.
With the proper ACLS certification, doctors, nurses, emergency medical personnel and respiratory therapists have the skills it takes to help someone with advanced cardio needs. This can include things like basic life support skills, chest compressions, airway management and more. As any medical pro can tell you, knowing the signs of early distress and getting the individual the help they need stat can mean the difference between life and death.
For medical pros looking to certify or recertify their ACLS needs, an online approach is much easier than they may think.
Going online for ACLS certification simply involves:
- Completing the online study material, with no other material needed to successfully pass the exam;
- Online ACLS exam featuring 50 questions;
- 3 free retakes of the exam if necessary;
- Instantaneous PDF ACLS provider card that is emailed out once the exam is successfully completed;
- Hard copy ACLS provider card, including free shipping anywhere across the country.
Certifying Better Heart Health
Even though there likely may come a time when you might have to display your ACLS certification training to save someone’s life, you can do just as much if not more good by helping to promote good heart health through your medical connections.
Sadly, too many Americans are essentially heart attacks waiting to happen, doing little or nothing to lessen their chances of having a life-changing or even fatal attack.
With that in mind, the medical community as a whole has myriad of ways with which to educate Americans about how to improve their health, specifically when it comes to their hearts.
Among the obvious but oftentimes not practiced means of improving one’s health is by reducing your weight.
While you can find ways to take the pounds off rather quickly, it is important that you don’t try to starve yourself or begin an exercise program that you are clearly not in shape to deal with. Doing one or both could lead to serious consequences for your heart and other body parts.
In order to safely lose the weight, look to:
- Eat better – Even though it doesn’t exactly take a Master’s Degree to figure out that healthy eating is the key to a healthy heart, millions of people fail to do the basics. As a result, they place themselves in harm’s way when it comes to their heart and other health matters. Pass on the fast food (it is okay to have on occasion, just not seven days a week as some seem to do), cut back on foods high in fats, cholesterol, salt; eat smaller meals (4-5) during the day instead of the common taught three meals a day that most folks grew up with, and make sure you get plenty of greens, as in vegetables and salads;
- Exercise more – You hear all the excuses about not being able to properly exercise. In the end, they are usually just that, excuses. Your heart works hard for you over the course of its lifetime, so return the favor by working hard for it. Any new exercise program you opt for should be approved by your physician and or a fitness expert. Putting too much strain on your heart and other parts of your body is the last thing you want to do. Look to gradually ease your way into an exercise routine, building up your stamina over time. You should also monitor your weight loss over the days, weeks and months that you exercise, making sure it is a healthy drop in pounds.
Whether this is the year you get ACLS certified or re-certified, do your best to educate the public about the importance of a healthy and happy heart.
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