A Quick Introduction To The PCOS Diet
Diet plays a critical role in all health conditions. However, we are going to focus on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) to determine which diet plan is the best for combatting the condition.
So, let's begin.
Women who are affected by Polycystic Ovary Syndrome experience vicious cycles of hormone imbalances occurring inside of their systems. Hormone levels of Luteinising hormone, Insulin, androgens, etc, rage inside women who have PCOS.
It is essential for your lifestyle to be modified and to make healthy changes to your diet to restore good health and minimize hormonal imbalances.
Some of the most common problems that are linked with PCOS include irregular menstrual periods, hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, and obesity. A healthy PCOS diet and the right supplementation such as inositol can significantly help to prove health conditions and get your health back onto the right track. Like most supplements, make sure to consult your health professional and learn about the types of inositol (Myo inositol and D chiro).
Just like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome does not have specific symptoms, there is also not one specific diet that should be followed. However, there are some important aspects to a diet to help with this condition.
The Important of Diet in Women With PCOS
Since most women who have PCOS also suffer from insulin resistance or hyperinsulinemia, they have a high risk of getting Type 2 diabetes. Therefore, it is critical to consume a low sugar, balanced diet to help to lower or maintain blood sugar levels.
Another condition closely associated with PCOS is obesity. Many women who have PCOS are told they should lose weight to reduce their potential risk of developing cardiovascular disease and fight hormonal imbalances. A healthy diet, in addition to exercise, can play a critical role in helping to lose those excess pounds.
It has been shown in studies that losing as little as 5% of weight can help o lower androgen levels or regulate menstruation. Even with slim women who have PCOS, following a diet focused on weight management can significantly reduce the risk of getting heart disease.
Women who have PCOS should develop a diet that is healthy but also satisfying and interesting. A PCOS diet needs to be followed for life. Therefore, it needs to be planned very carefully and needs to contain plenty of variety. A diet does not mean starvation and for women who suffer from this condition, this is even more important.
What it does mean is to eat in a smart way, including consuming foods that heal and nourish the body, and avoid fillers that are just loaded with calories. Certain foods should be avoided to fight against obesity and excessive amounts of insulin within the body.
Following a good PCOS diet can reduce the consumption of sugary carbs as well as foods such as unhealthy snacks (like fatty or fried snacks with butter, cheese, etc.), potatoes, cereals, and white bread, and include healthy options such as fish, nuts, lean meats, low fat, fibrous fruits, legumes, and whole grains.
Here are some healthy food options to try:
Green leafy vegetables - These are really low in calories and are loaded with nutrients. They are full of minerals and vitamins, including C, K, B, and A. Adding green sales to your diet can be a great way to consume green leafy vegetables.
Legumes and whole grains - These foods are high in protein and fiber. A diet that is rich in fiber digests slowly and therefore blood sugar levels increase slowly as well, which controls the increase in levels of insulin.
Fruits - Incorporate fruits like apples, oranges, cherries, etc. that are fairly low in sugar and high in fiber.
When nuts are added with fruits it can cut sugar levels that can be high when consuming fruit.
Meat - Incorporate fish and lean meats in a PCOS diet instead of red meats that aggravate insulin levels and weight gain and are high in calories.
Studies have shown that consuming smaller meals (5-7 per day) at regular intervals helps to manage general health and weight. Consuming a healthy breakfast as your largest meal for the day and then eating lighter and smaller lunches and dinners also helps digest and manage androgen and insulin levels.
If PCOS is allowed to flourish without any intervention it can turn into a serious affliction. However, if you follow a few basic dietary guidelines and lead an active life and exercise 3 to 5 times per week at least, it can go a long way towards helping women manage PCOS.
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