Stress is normal, and it’s something that everyone experiences. When you face problems, challenging situations, or things out of your comfort zone, the body will react to it, which is what we know as stress. Its symptoms may vary, but the most common are:
dizziness and headaches
high blood pressure
sleeping difficulties
body pains
muscle tension
stomach problems
Without... ❯❯❯
Are you experiencing elbow pain? While this pain can be treated with various non-surgical treatments, sometimes, surgery is the only alternative left to patients.
There is a special type of surgery for resolving elbow joint problems, called arthroscopy. This word is a compound of two Greek words, arthro, meaning joint, and skopein, meaning to look. When translated from Greek, this word means... ❯❯❯
You take a hearty bite out of a crunchy chocolate chip cookie, and instead of delight — ouch!
Do you feel excruciating pain after the first sip of your hot morning coffee?
Discomfort from eating, exposure to hot or cold temperatures, or persistent agony that just won’t go away might send you on an emergency visit to the dentist. But don’t worry — modern technologies, such as digital x-rays, can... ❯❯❯
Did you know that over 50 percent of people over 60 can get cataracts? Cataracts can cause vision loss or even blindness amongst the elderly. Although cataracts are largely associated with aging, they can affect younger people too. Cataracts can make everyday life very difficult even with the mildest cases. Even simple activities like reading, driving and watching television can become challengin... ❯❯❯
Betterhelp is an e-counseling platform where you get access to licensed, trained, experienced, and accredited psychologists to help you through life challenges at any time and anywhere. This platform has taken over most of the physical therapy sessions with a standard psychologist. The primary concern of a therapist is the mental health of their patient. This article will explore the effectiveness... ❯❯❯
Most people who seek relief alternatives for back pain prefer chiropractic treatment. In fact, an estimated twenty million Americans patronize chiropractors each year. Out of that population, 35% (7.7 million), seek relief from pain caused by muscle strains, accidents, and sports injuries.
What is Chiropractic Treatment?
Chiropractic treatment involves the use of hands-on methods to manipulate... ❯❯❯
Jawbone Deterioration: Recognizing the Symptoms and What to Do Next?
In the simplest of terms, jawbone deterioration is the loss of bone mass in the jaw. Anytime we use biting and chewing motions we help strengthen the jawbone because stimulation occurs. Stimulation is made by applying pressure from the teeth to the roots every time we bite or chew. When a tooth is lost or removed, the... ❯❯❯
Antibiotic resistance is real and many people already experience it. When your body can no longer accept antibiotics to kill bacterial infection, you’re in deep trouble. It means that there’s no other way to prevent the bacteria from adversely affecting your health.
Be honest with your physician
If you took antibiotics recently, tell your doctor about it. It’s more crucial if you decide to see... ❯❯❯
Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders, PTSD or Post-traumatic stress disorder, Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or ADHD and addiction are just the health conditions that many of the populations around the world face on a day to day basis. There are many reasons for this, stemming from work-related issues to personal problems, relationships and genetics. The good news is, there is help.
... ❯❯❯
Every year, spine and other parts of the body are getting better and better performing surgeries. This is due to the fact that over time, medical professionals are gaining more and more experience in treating people and are therefore using this experience to develop and improve their work. Also, the reason for the improvement in the quality of operations is the development of technology used in... ❯❯❯