
Health Guide: Conditions and Treatments (Page 23)

What are the contradictions of using dermal facial fillers from Aqualyx? 

Today if someone has gained weight, there are several ways of getting rid of it. Excess weight can be reduced by sticking to a healthy diet, attending the gym (or doing simple exercises), applying massage to the problem areas, etc. But today, there are procedures that require surgical invasions, for instance, liposuction. Patients who had liposuction have experienced immediate effects due to fat... ❯❯❯

Tips to Get Rid of Leg Pain

Leg pain can be caused by injury, muscle cramps, or other common causes such as infections, inflammations, nerve damage, and blood clots. It’s normally accompanied by discomfort in the lower leg, upper leg, or knee. The pain may be severe if caused by an injury or infection, or minor if caused by surgery or a cast. The latter will often wear off with some little care or rest. Chronic or major... ❯❯❯

Four Ways to Manage Chronic Pain

Chronic pain impacts millions of North Americans. People suffer from everything from lower back pain to full on immobility because of their chronic pain. Beyond the pain, chronic pain sufferers also often feel alienated because of their pain. Others don’t always understand why they can’t just get up and go when they look fine. It’s frustrating and unfair for someone who is in constant pain to... ❯❯❯

5 Reasons to Visit a Chiropractor after a Neck Injury in an Auto Accident

It’s estimated that roughly 6 million auto accident cases are registered annually. It’s very depressing to learn about this, more so when a majority of the cases are reported to cause neck injuries. What’s more depressing, nonetheless, is the fact that so much money is spent on medications and surgeries and still some people never recover. Sometimes, the injury goes unnoticed. You only come to... ❯❯❯

7 Ways to Recognize Post-Traumatic Symptoms

Sometimes referred to as the "Invisible Epidemic" because of the stigma sufferers face in opening up about their experiences, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder has approached epidemic levels in recent years, although you might be hard pressed to find public acknowledgment of that fact in many areas of society. Fortunately, more and more sufferers are coming forward each year to publicly talk about... ❯❯❯

Essential root canal myths thoroughly debunked

Most people who the dentist has prescribed a root canal always leave the dentist’s office with a restless mind! There are chances that few people might also browse through the internet to get details about the process. People might even try and check whether the process is safe for overall health or not. The online world is a wonderful place to collect vital and useful data. However, today... ❯❯❯

What to do if you suspect you have a concussion?

If you are looking for the precise definition of concussion, you might be disappointed. There is no single definition, but experts usually define it as a sharp blow or blunt trauma to the head that disrupts the neurological functions of the brain. The disruption is typically temporary. Some brain injury experts also refer to it as a mild traumatic brain injury or an mTBI. A concussion can be the... ❯❯❯

The Importance of Self-Care When Fighting Addiction

Countless people struggle with one addiction or another. Many begin to make the attempt to get clean only to find themselves with another addiction instead. Using drugs might instead turn into overeating in an effort to fill that void and keep the mind and body occupied. Self-care is extremely important when fighting addiction because it ensures overall well-being and prevents one addiction from... ❯❯❯

The Reasons to Contact a Chiropractor After Car Accident

To consult a chiropractor after a car accident will have more advantages compared to what one may think. When someone meets with an accident, they will do an instant check to discover whether they are ok. Next, they will instantly move to worrying everything about them such as the car, informing the police, the car of the other person, filing a claim and exchanging the information related to... ❯❯❯

Hernia mesh complications and symptoms that you need to know

Not all medical procedures bring benefits! Today, several medical surgeries and processes have given rise to several complications, after the initial set of benefits. Recently, prominent surgeons have expressed their views about the dangers of extreme hernia mesh issues. And this comprises of problems like infection and adhesion as well. If you know of anyone who has experienced any injury right... ❯❯❯

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