
Health Guide: Conditions and Treatments (Page 24)

Five Common Dental Issues and How to Avoid Them

Let's face it. Going to the dentist isn't a highlight we typically look forward to. It's mostly psychological, but some people become incredibly anxious at the thought of going to the dentist. With instruments being used inside your head, it can be a little intimidating. However, what all too many people fail to consider is the fact that they could make their dentists visits more pleasant by... ❯❯❯

What you should know about Ovarian Cancer

What you should know about Ovarian CancerOvarian cancer is one of the most common cancer among women, while it mainly affects females above 45 years of age than those of child-bearing age, it sometimes affects young women too. What are the symptoms of ovarian cancer?  How can it be tested? How can the disease be treated? Here are things you should know about ovarian cancer. It isn’t silent Most people believe that ovarian cancer... ❯❯❯

How Can a Chiropractor Help with Bone Troubles?

The chiropractor who was also called the bone setter many years ago is still a reliable person to visit and find solutions for all those unresolved problems of the bone, which all other forms of treatment fail to give. That is why the job of a chiropractor is really important and has been a great remedy to many such people, whose struggle ended at the chamber of the chiropractor only after one or... ❯❯❯

3 Mind Blowing Facts About Chiropractic Care That You Didn’t Know About

In the modern world, there is a lot of evolution that has taken place over the years. This evolution has led to advancements in many areas including technology, sports and even in the medical field. Before, people used to be narrow minded on the kind of treatment that people should use in order to get better. At first, traditional medicine was praised and upheld. This was before the invention of... ❯❯❯

Some Good Reasons Why You Should See A Chiropractor

Lower back pain can cause long-term misery and can interrupt your daily activities significantly. According to NIH, an estimated 80% of grown-ups will experience lower back pain at some point in their life. Therefore this is a very common condition and it is important to get the most effective treatment for it. Seeing a qualified chiropractor, including a marin chiropractor, can give great relief... ❯❯❯

How to Determine the Best Psychologist for Your Needs

Sometimes, you might think that your problem is more than just a case of the blues. Or maybe you are dealing with a difficult problem in your life and need help overcoming your situation. Whatever your reason for needing professional assistance, you'll need to find a psychologist who meets your needs. As with any professional in your life, you'll want to do some searching around first to find an... ❯❯❯

5 Ways to Prevent Tooth Decay and Bad Breath

Tooth decay isn't something we should be concerned about in our childhood years alone. Having good oral and dental hygiene habits is a serious lifelong commitment. By taking proper care of our mouths and teeth, we not only prevent tooth decay, or cavities, but also bad breath as well as more serious problems like gingivitis, and even heart disease. Proper daily care, regular visits to the... ❯❯❯

Health Effects And Other Facts To Know About Smoking Pods

Looking just like a USB flash drive, the smoking pods may look very stylish and an effective alternative to smoking cigarettes, but there are a lot of things that you must know about it. The most significant of all is the effect it may have on your health. Ideally, these smoking pods are designed with an intention to help you give up smoking cigarettes. However, experts and critics are a bit... ❯❯❯

It is all About Terpenes and Cannabinoids - A Detailed Study

You must be familiar with the smell of cannabis such as mint, berry or pine but the truth is cannabis has more distinctive fragrances. Cannabis is known for its unique smell. For some, it is enjoyable and calm while for the others it is overwhelming and unpleasant. Akin to other plants that are available, the pots contain components which are accountable for the unique flavor and aroma. And these... ❯❯❯

5 Reasons You Need Chiropractic Care—Beyond Just Fixing a Bad Back

For many people, chiropractors are akin to physical therapists. While they might be similar in the sense that both professionals aim to give their patients a better quality of life, their focus and approach are quite different. Chiropractic is not just about cracking your back to help you feel better; there are other numerous benefits that you draw from it. Let’s look at a few. Effective pain... ❯❯❯

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