
Health Guide (Page 105)

Top Ways to Help Sooth Emotional Upset

Emotional trouble is bad for obvious reasons, but it's important for us not to let our troubles seep into other areas of our lives. Different levels of upset can call for different remedies, but there are a few things which can help in just about any situation – and here are a few of them. Indulge in a bit of culture Whether your cup of tea is cinema, literature or a trip to the theatre, a... ❯❯❯

How You Know When You Have Cystitis

Cystitis can be a painful and debilitating condition that really affects your day to day life. As with any medical ailment, it’s important that you learn about symptoms, effects and treatment in order to get a full understanding of exactly what is happening to your body, why it is happening and what can be done about it. What is it? Cystitis is the inflammation of the bladder which may be... ❯❯❯

The Most Common Causes of Swollen Feet and Ankles

Have you ever come home from a long day at work, pulled your shoes off and put your feet up to look on in shock at how swollen they were? Swollen feet and ankles are incredibly common, and often not much to worry about. If you spend a huge chunk of time standing around, or do a lot of walking during the course of your day this is one of the simple side effects. You should only be concerned if you... ❯❯❯

5 Natural Ways to Reduce Your Allergy Symptoms

It is officially allergy season! As the summer months creep up, we look forward to time outside enjoying the activities we love with our friends and family. Unfortunately for allergy sufferers, this time is often tainted by having to deal with irritating and frustrating allergy symptoms. These symptoms include itchy eyes, congestion, sneezing, coughing and many others. Allergies can be triggered... ❯❯❯

Infographic: The Sleep Guide to Wellness

Presented by Livelovespa... ❯❯❯

It’s Tough To Find Ways Of Funding Homecare Provision

Everyone at some point in their life will be faced with finding ways of funding homecare provision.  It is not a situation, as most believe, where making that decision means that you don’t care about that loved one that needs this specialized care; but rather that you do care.  There are many health related issues of aged loved ones that are beyond a person or families means to physically meet on... ❯❯❯

The Health Benefits of Proper Home Insulation

If you want your home to stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter, your best ally will be insulation. It hugely impacts the utility costs of your home, while also protecting the rest of your house, from the wooden beams to the furniture and even the paint job, from temperature-related damage. With all of those benefits, it’s clear that a proper insulation job is crucial for your home. But... ❯❯❯

How to build muscle fast - Infographic

How to develop muscle extremely fastis one challengethat can comesimplyfor some. However, for othershard work and trainingdoesn’tconsistentlyproduceincreasingmuscle tissue at a speedquick enough. This content piece has been designed with 3 easy steps in mind. Diet, training rest or food, training and rest. There areplenty ofpeople who get the workoutcomponentcorrect and investas much as5 hours a... ❯❯❯

5 Tips for Reducing Indoor Allergens and Pollutants

Now that summer is here, most people try to spend as little time as possible inside their homes. The beautiful weather should be enjoyed, and that means time at the beach, lazing around in the park or simply enjoying a glass of iced tea at your favorite outdoor bistro. But the haze that settles over most urban centers during the heat of summer can be oppressing and a bit scary. The yellow sky... ❯❯❯

Wheel-ey Good

So you’re after a new wheelchair but you’re not sure where to go for a good range or even how to pick from that range. Perhaps it’s the first time you’re buying your wheelchair solo? I remember my first car purchase without my Dad being there. I was terrified of making a bad call and being stuck with it for the next few years. I’m not sure this is exactly like that but it’s certainly similar.... ❯❯❯

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