
Health Guide (Page 72)

It is all About Terpenes and Cannabinoids - A Detailed Study

You must be familiar with the smell of cannabis such as mint, berry or pine but the truth is cannabis has more distinctive fragrances. Cannabis is known for its unique smell. For some, it is enjoyable and calm while for the others it is overwhelming and unpleasant. Akin to other plants that are available, the pots contain components which are accountable for the unique flavor and aroma. And these... ❯❯❯

Natural Healing and Acupuncture

For over twenty years, Natural Healing and Acupuncture clinic has assisted Los Angeles patients boost fertility rates and ease hormonal disturbances. Acupuncture for fertility operates to restore and mend fertility and pregnancy-related afflictions with natural and stress free services. Our treatments cure endorphin imbalances and reduce stress to boost pregnancy rates. The mind often affects... ❯❯❯

4 Major Reasons Why You Should Consider Adopting a Low-Carb Diet

You are what you eat. Most of the meals people eat consist of proteins, fats, sugars, and carbohydrates. Proteins play a big role in your body, just like carbohydrates do. Your body also requires sugars for a number of functions. Your body requires carbohydrates so as to become strong and energetic. The funny part is that eating too much of carbohydrates and not exercising may result in health... ❯❯❯

5 Reasons You Need Chiropractic Care—Beyond Just Fixing a Bad Back

For many people, chiropractors are akin to physical therapists. While they might be similar in the sense that both professionals aim to give their patients a better quality of life, their focus and approach are quite different. Chiropractic is not just about cracking your back to help you feel better; there are other numerous benefits that you draw from it. Let’s look at a few. Effective pain... ❯❯❯

CBD or THC – Which element is better?

Both CBD and THC are two chemicals that are in high-demand, sourced from cannabis plant! However, there’s a constant battle between both these chemicals. And often it becomes puzzling to declare the winner. Sometimes people opt-on for THC, one that produces some great sensations and euphoria. And on other times, there’s CBD, a newcomer in the field, appreciated for its wellness and health... ❯❯❯

3 Amazing Benefits Of Using Natural Remedies When Sick

Unfortunately, being sick is a natural part of life; whether it is a common cold, flu or any other illness. These illnesses, depending on their seriousness, can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. They can also prevent you from performing simple duties that you would normally do when you are feeling healthy and strong. There are many ways to seek treatment when you are unwell. You can opt for the... ❯❯❯

5 Features That You Should Look For When Searching For A Good Chiropractor

A chiropractor is a medical professional who primarily deals with the treatment and diagnosis of mechanical disorders which affect the musculoskeletal system. According to the BMC Public Health website, a national population survey showed that over a period of one year, approximately 1 in every 4 adult Australians have used either chiropractic (16.1%), osteopathy (4.6%) or acupuncture (9.2%) at... ❯❯❯

The Role of the Apolipoprotein E4 (APOE4) Gene in Triggering Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is a degenerative condition characterized by irreversible damage to one’s ability to think, recall memories, and perform cognitive abilities like learning and problem-solving. Alzheimer’s progresses slowly over time and can become so severe that affected persons have difficulty completing daily tasks, such as remembering to take medication. It is the most common cause of dementia, a... ❯❯❯

The Ins and Outs of Heroin Addiction That You Need Know

Heroin – which is both deadly and dangerous is widely used. The drug originated from the opium poppy flower that grows in South America, Asia, and Mexico. Heroin is incredibly addictive drug and has as a brown or white powdery appearance or at times looks like black tar. Heroin is also known as brown sugar, junk, smack, and horse. Heroin- How is it Used? Regardless of how heroin enters a... ❯❯❯

10 Pointers to Consider While Choosing an Orthopaedic Specialist

Due to the rising stress in the current day lifestyle, poor food habits and lack of physical activity and exercise, the majority of the people complain of some form of orthopaedic ailments associated to the spine, knee, hip or neck. And as a result, they need to consult an orthopaedic for relief. Today orthopaedic specialists are available in plenty, but unfortunately, not all are experienced or... ❯❯❯

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