LPNs, or Licensed Practical Nurses, are an integral part of the healthcare system. While the position may not seem as glamorous as that of a physician or registered nurse, it's often the LPN that develops the sincerest and most caring relationship with the patient. That's because the LPN is the one that offers comforting bedside manner, and they're the first ones to answer the call when the... ❯❯❯
Photo by BruceBlaus It can be difficult to explain the way that chronic sinus issues damage your life. Most people can sympathize with the idea of feeling bunged up. We all go through it with the annual winter cold. They can acknowledge how uncomfortable it is, the way that it damages your ability to speak properly. They may even recognize the idea that with less of a sense of smell, food... ❯❯❯
A lot of people are struggling with obesity around the world, which can cause heart issues, depression, and cancer. In fact, more than one-third of adults in the US are suffering with obesity. Although short-term diets can help you lose some of the weight, it’s not a long-term solution to weight loss. Here is what you should do if you are struggling from obesity, and want to get rid of fat for... ❯❯❯
Cancer is a big diagnosis. That’s a clear understatement. Cancer can rock your world and send you through a gauntlet of various uncomfortable emotions. Denial. Anger. Simple overwhelming. For a lot of people, it’s a very real wake-up call to our mortality that can shake them to the core. In light of the threat to your life, it can seem difficult to stay positive. Yet, resilience is key to... ❯❯❯
We all like to have a drink now and then. Drinking alcohol in moderation is fine, the problem occurs when your body becomes reliant on alcohol to get through the day. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can damage our bodies. That's why, if you notice a friend or loved one drinking too much, you need to find a way to help them. A lot of people choose to turn a blind eye when it comes to... ❯❯❯
Hormonal imbalance is more prevalent than most people would think. This is even more so among men and women in the 35 and above age range. Many of the symptoms that people present in the doctor’s office are hormonal or may have hormonal origins, yet, this is all-too-frequently ignored. This is not surprising seeing as we live in an age where most people just want to get medications that will... ❯❯❯
It's a never ending story. People worry about their weight. For some people, it's a stubborn five pounds they can't seem to shed. Others go up and down, the proverbial yo-yo weight, but struggle with staying at the lower end. For some, it's a health problem and they need to lose weight to get in healthier state. Whatever the case may be, if you are trying to lose a little weight, there are some... ❯❯❯
We all know how much technology has changed the world in the past couple of decades.And, one of the biggest areas of life it helps is our health and fitness. Today, we thought that we would look at a few different ways that technology is saving lives and promoting healthier lifestyles for all. Let’s take a closer look. https://flic.kr/p/dHMZYj The web First of all, let’s take a look at the... ❯❯❯
Alcohol addiction and abuse is a common problem that many people are currently fighting. At times, it may feel impossible to beat, and like any addiction, you may not realise you have a problem. Source Luckily for you, help is at hand. Alcohol addiction is a well-documented problem, and as such, there are a number of tips ready to help people struggling with it. Not everything will work for... ❯❯❯
wikipedia Millions of people suffer from back pain, and a big majority of those people try back surgery to ease the pain. Are you one of those people? If you are, you are taking a bit of a risk. Yes, back surgery is routine in a lot of cases. But, it isn’t in other cases. To make sure that it is the right option, you need to know what to expect. Only then can you make an informed decision on the... ❯❯❯