
Health Guide (Page 83)

4 Reasons For Restless Nights

Are you experiencing night after night of disturbed sleep? It’s important to get to the root of this problem so that you can return to your regular sleeping pattern as soon as possible. A lack of sleep can have consequences for your health. It can lead to a number of problems such as risk of accident and injury in the short term and obesity, heart disease and high blood pressure in the long... ❯❯❯

7 Common Reasons Why People Fail to Lose Weight

Losing weight has been commonly said as one of the most difficult things a person has to do in their lifetime. Many people struggle with their weight for their entire lives without finding the success that they want. This is a far too common occurrence in today’s society. Even though the journey towards weight loss is different for everyone based on their body and lifestyle, there are a few... ❯❯❯

3 Simple Health Tips to Change Your Life

Being healthier is something that everyone desires. However, sometimes it seems like there is nothing that an individual can do to be healthier. At least not something that is easy, or quick. There are 3 simple health tips that a person can do to better themselves. Healthy Foods There are several simple health tips that can help when we examine the foods we eat. This is a quick sample of some... ❯❯❯

After-Work Out Solutions to Boost Energy

After-Work Out Solutions to Boost EnergyHave you ever gone to a gym that provides food for its patrons? If you find something like trail mix or bananas, eat up, but if you see a steaming pizza only half eaten, be afraid, be very afraid. Choosing the right food and beverages post workout is essential to your health and functionality. To boost your energy level and replenish depleted proteins after an intense session try out some of... ❯❯❯

Get the Right Hearing Aid and Start Improving Your Life Today

According to the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, more than 36 million Americans suffer from some form of hearing loss, yet current statistics indicate that less than one-quarter of those who have hearing loss get help.  Fortunately, 9 out of 10 people with hearing loss can be helped with hearing aids. If you are one of the millions of Americans who spend each day straining to hear,... ❯❯❯

10 Health Fads You Need to Stop Following Right Now

10 Health Fads You Need to Stop Following Right NowEveryone knows the feeling you get after a weekend of ice cream, salty snacks, and empty calories. And come Monday morning, you’re saying “Okay, I need a new plan. It’s time to get serious about losing some weight.” Which is great. Everyone gets to a certain point when they are unhappy with their own appearance, and the healthiest way to deal with that is to accept it, and then to find a way to... ❯❯❯

Infographic: Six Pack Secrets

Infographic: Six Pack SecretsThere is no magic formula for turning a flabby tummy into a rock-hard washboard stomach – just pay attention to the most recommended methods of exercise and diet, take them on board and stick to the programme! have produced a great infographic guide, titled How to Get a Six Pack – read it and start working! Brought to you by Newitts... ❯❯❯

Healthy Dinner Party Food Options for Your Next Family Gathering

If you’re someone who is known to throw a pretty great party, then if you have one coming up over the next few weeks, we’re pretty sure that one of the things that you’re busy doing is putting a great menu together: one that is affordable, full of flavor and also healthy too. And while we do know that sometimes pulling off a meal like this can be a pretty tall order, we’ve actually got a list of... ❯❯❯

Common Causes of Memory Loss and Effective Ways to Prevent It

Memory loss isn’t just an affliction of the elderly – young people can suffer from memory loss as well. Memory is an interesting thing, because it isn’t a tangible part of our neurology. While the memory was created in the physical world, it quickly gets stores into a virtual one – like an overlapping hologram. This happens in an area of the brain called the hippocampus, but we also have another... ❯❯❯

The Best Types of Fitness Classes for Weight Loss

As you get older and your metabolism changes, you’ll not only have to change the way you eat in order to maintain a healthy weight, but you’ll also want to add an exercise regimen that keeps your body fit and healthy. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize this until they’ve already put on some excess pounds. And even fewer make changes unless they have a medical scare or their doctors warn... ❯❯❯

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