
Your Complete Guide To Massage Therapist Liability Insurance

When you run a massage business, you need liability insurance to protect yourself, your clients, and your office space. There are several different versions of massage liability insurance that you can purchase, but you need to determine what works best for your company. If you work by yourself, you do not need as much insurance as someone who has employees and an office space. Plus, you need to decide how much coverage is required given the community where you work. Continue reading to learn how to find the best massage liability insurance.

You Need Liability Insurance For Massage Therapy Itself

By finding the best massage insurance comparison, you can determine which companies tend to offer the lowest rates. This will give you an idea of what types of insurance is out there, the prices they offer, and what companies to look into. Regardless of what company you go with, it’s imperative that you have insurance to protect yourself and your massage business.

You may also insist that all your employees have similar insurance. You can get insurance to cover yourself and the business, but you need individual insurance for all the therapists that work under you. You may buy insurance yourself, or insurance may be a condition of employment.

You Need Insurance For Your Office Space

You must have insurance that will protect your office space. If someone is injured in your office, your insurance policy will pay for the damages. If a client damages your office space, you can file a claim with the insurance company. Plus, this policy will protect all equipment you keep in the office.

Insurance for your office space also covers anyone who comes into your office as guest. You may have a massage therapist in your office for a few days, or you may have an intern. You want to know you are protected in case they make a mistake.

Contact An Agent

You should contact an agent for assistance building a new policy. The agent can show you how much coverage you need, how much you will pay given the value of the policy, and how to adjust the policy to get the price you want. You can go back to the insurance agent at any time to get information about filing a claim, or you could add coverage when you expand your business.

You Need Insurance To Get A License

You need insurance to get a massage therapy license to practice most states, and you should get a policy that will cover you while you are training. You need to go through many hours of massage training before you can be fully certified, and you can keep the insurance you get after you get your license. Keep your insurance in good standing so that you never have any issues with your clients or their claims.

Keep The Insurance Information On You At All Times

Some clients may want to see your insurance information when they come in for their first appointment. If you are invited into the client’s home, they may ask for your insurance information for safety’s sake. When you have the information on your person at all times, you can easily share your coverage details with people who need to know.


Massage therapists always need insurance coverage as a measure of protection. Plus, you need insurance that will protect your office and your equipment. You can work with an agent who will show you how much coverage you need, how much you will pay, and how to make a claim. When you have all this information, you can run your business legally, safely, and efficiently.

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