Asthma is a common lung condition that affects the airways, resulting to wheezing and shortness of breath. In fact, 1 in 13 people, or about 25 million individuals, are known to have asthma in the United States alone—more prevalent in children than in adults. Since the disease causes the swelling of the airways, people with asthma need to know how to effectively manage their condition.
While... ❯❯❯
Are you over 40, overweight and maybe feeling like you’re lacking energy most of the time? While there could be no underlying issue whatsoever, you could also be on the brink of a serious health concern. It’s important to visit your doctor right away for preliminary tests to determine if you may be at risk for heart disease or a gastrointestinal condition. Here are a few things that you can do... ❯❯❯
It can be estimated that around 300 people experience dental trauma each week in Brisbane. A large number of these people who experience dental injuries are children. By being prepared and with a quick response, many of these tooth injuries can be repaired if it is managed quickly by parents and emergency dentists in Brisbane.
Children tend to run fast and play a lot. Injury to the face and... ❯❯❯
Emergency dentists are specialists in dental care who may make their services available 24/7 and/or allow clients to schedule immediate appointments. A dental emergency can be defined as an emergency which involves a persons teeth or gums where immediate attention by a dentist or dental professional required. The need for emergency dentists in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, or any other... ❯❯❯
For most men and women around the world, there is at least one part of their body they wish would look different. Whether that’s a less crooked nose, a more toned stomach, or a youthful glow of the skin, a cosmetic procedure exists to help alter the way someone looks. More than 51,000 men and women received plastic surgery in the UK throughout 2015, and the numbers are slated to rise over the... ❯❯❯
There are a wide range of causes of hearing loss, which can be immediate or gradual and will vary with impact. Most causes can be found by examining the ear and finding out where the problem or damage is within the ear. No matter the severity or cause of the hearing loss, it is vital to seek medical help to prevent it from getting worse or becoming permanent. Here are the top 10 most common... ❯❯❯
Wheelchair Disability Picture
Disability can strike at any time, and it can cause horrendous physical and emotional stress. Part of that emotional stress often comes from the fact of knowing that you can’t return to your previous occupation. Without a full-time wage, it’s going to be difficult to maintain healthy finances, which is worrying! So, here are just a few basic tips to help you on your... ❯❯❯
Photo by BruceBlaus
It can be difficult to explain the way that chronic sinus issues damage your life.
Most people can sympathize with the idea of feeling bunged up. We all go through it with the annual winter cold. They can acknowledge how uncomfortable it is, the way that it damages your ability to speak properly. They may even recognize the idea that with less of a sense of smell, food... ❯❯❯
Cancer is a big diagnosis. That’s a clear understatement. Cancer can rock your world and send you through a gauntlet of various uncomfortable emotions. Denial. Anger. Simple overwhelming. For a lot of people, it’s a very real wake-up call to our mortality that can shake them to the core. In light of the threat to your life, it can seem difficult to stay positive. Yet, resilience is key to... ❯❯❯
We all like to have a drink now and then. Drinking alcohol in moderation is fine, the problem occurs when your body becomes reliant on alcohol to get through the day. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can damage our bodies. That's why, if you notice a friend or loved one drinking too much, you need to find a way to help them.
A lot of people choose to turn a blind eye when it comes to... ❯❯❯