Hormonal imbalance is more prevalent than most people would think. This is even more so among men and women in the 35 and above age range. Many of the symptoms that people present in the doctor’s office are hormonal or may have hormonal origins, yet, this is all-too-frequently ignored.
This is not surprising seeing as we live in an age where most people just want to get medications that will... ❯❯❯
Alcohol addiction and abuse is a common problem that many people are currently fighting. At times, it may feel impossible to beat, and like any addiction, you may not realise you have a problem.
Luckily for you, help is at hand. Alcohol addiction is a well-documented problem, and as such, there are a number of tips ready to help people struggling with it. Not everything will work for... ❯❯❯
Millions of people suffer from back pain, and a big majority of those people try back surgery to ease the pain. Are you one of those people? If you are, you are taking a bit of a risk. Yes, back surgery is routine in a lot of cases. But, it isn’t in other cases. To make sure that it is the right option, you need to know what to expect. Only then can you make an informed decision on the... ❯❯❯
Both men and women worry about different things that can cause stress and anxiety. But the difference between men and women is that women talk more than men. Men, however, take on a lot of the worry themselves. These can then be the main factors that cause stress and anxiety in a man's life.
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A man's health is one of the biggest causes of stress and anxiety in their... ❯❯❯
In many ways, family and friends are an extension of who we are.
They help to define our character, ethics, intelligence and appearance. And when something negatively interferes within this connection, even if it's the slightest of obstructions— we notice, become angry and are left scared and feeling helpless.
There may be no greater threat to a family or relationship than drug addiction or... ❯❯❯
Nearly half of the U.S.’s population suffers from chronic pain. While pain is the body’s way of letting you recognize that there is a problem, many chronic pain sufferers have found there is little relief to their pain symptoms, especially if the pain is due to an old injury or an incurable problem.
Because of the severity and persistence of the pain, chronic pain does need to be addressed and... ❯❯❯
More than 80 percent of people who have depression never seek treatment for their troubles. While some do not want to admit that they might be suffering with depression, more often than not, people do not realize they are depressed, believing their feelings are normal.
However, depression is extremely draining, as many people feel a never-ending sense of sadness, loneliness, and hopelessness.... ❯❯❯
Are you dreading bikini season because your breasts aren’t like you want them? Maybe they are small, drooping, or unequal sizes. Look into breast augmentation surgery. To find information about breast augmentations or surgeons in your area check ilikeplastic.com. Facts about Breast Augmentations Before you have breast augmentation surgery, make sure you know exactly what to expect. When you... ❯❯❯
Are you experiencing night after night of disturbed sleep? It’s important to get to the root of this problem so that you can return to your regular sleeping pattern as soon as possible. A lack of sleep can have consequences for your health. It can lead to a number of problems such as risk of accident and injury in the short term and obesity, heart disease and high blood pressure in the long... ❯❯❯
Memory loss isn’t just an affliction of the elderly – young people can suffer from memory loss as well. Memory is an interesting thing, because it isn’t a tangible part of our neurology. While the memory was created in the physical world, it quickly gets stores into a virtual one – like an overlapping hologram. This happens in an area of the brain called the hippocampus, but we also have another... ❯❯❯