
Health Guide (Page 111)

The Health Benefits of Music Therapy for Children

For centuries, music has been a beloved art form, and it has been said that it has the power to soothe even a savage beast. If that’s true, just imagine what it can do for your children. Music therapy for children has many recognized benefits, and it’s a great way to help kids grow up into fine young adults. Consider the following health benefits of music therapy for children. Quiet the... ❯❯❯

5 Foods That Help Reduce High Blood Pressure

Millions of people all over the world are concerned about their blood pressure, and rightly so. High blood pressure can lead to numerous other medical problems, putting your good health and quality of life at risk. Luckily, there are many natural ways that you can lower your blood pressure and stay healthy for years to come. Incorporate these five great foods into your diet to help fight high... ❯❯❯

5 Inspirational Quotes From Health and Fitness Gurus

Attaining optimum health and fitness is no cakewalk; in fact, it requires you to put down the cake and start walking. And it can definitely be difficult to find the motivation to exercise, diet, and advance your own health and fitness when the TV and fast food are calling to you. Let’s face it; most of us want to be comfortable and sedentary. We make excuses about being too busy, too tired, and... ❯❯❯

The Most Common Birth Control Side Effects

Here’s an interesting fact. Last fall, the Huffington Post published an article stating that 2 in 5 women in America do not using any kind of contraception. Although the main cited reason was due to the fact that most women tend to misjudge the likelihood of how often (or easily) they can get pregnant, if you speak to many midwives or doctors who practice natural medicine, they will probably tell... ❯❯❯

Reducing Health Risks Among Seniors with the Personal Alert Systems

In the past few years, there has already been a significant rise in the population of geriatric patients across the world. This is evident especially in most developing countries. The elderly are always considered to be at high risk for health problems and diseases. In fact, they are prone to developing psychiatric disorders due to the different changes in the function of the brain brought about... ❯❯❯

5 Health Benefits of Pet Ownership

Researchers say that people who own pets live happier, healthier and longer lives. Yes it’s true, our furry little friends, and not so furry too, offer us a whole host of amazing health benefits, both physical and emotional. For thousands of years pet companionship has been a fundamental and crucial part of human civilization. There is evidence that the ancient Egyptians worshiped cats and the... ❯❯❯

Healthy Ways to Lose Weight Fast for a Big Event

We all have moments when we’ve known in the back of our minds that a special occasion was coming up, but we found ourselves forgetting all about it until was only a couple of weeks away. It could be a big corporate party or a vacation with a loved one or even a wedding. The closer that the event gets, the more that we find ourselves in semi-panic mode as we try to figure out how to lose a few... ❯❯❯

How Exercise Can Improve Your Mental Health

Dieting is a billion dollar a year industry, but the truth of the matter is that without regular exercise any sort of eating plan you could attempt will fall short. It’s difficult to cut calories enough to make a real difference in your weight without adding in a workout regimen. And truth be told, you won’t get the visual results you want without exercise. Muscle mass actually weighs more than... ❯❯❯

The Impact of Car Exhaust Emissions on Your Health

The world is slowly moving away from fossil fuels and towards hybrid and electric vehicles on the roads. It’s a great step in the right direction, hopefully insuring the children inherit a slightly better world than the one this generation created, all while breaking the United State’s addiction to petroleum and improving the environment one increment at a time. But there is another, very real... ❯❯❯

Are Electric Cars Hazardous to Your Health?

Technological innovation constantly moves forward. The nature of man is to keep questioning things, and to always look to improve upon current methods. As our reliance on fossil fuels has started wars, transformed the environment and caused serious financial and physical problems, engineers have worked tirelessly to come up with the next improvement. One of the solutions that’s been put out there... ❯❯❯

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