
Health Guide (Page 113)

Top 5 Health Precautions for International Travel

There are few trips as exciting as those that take you outside of your home country. When traveling internationally you are sure to experience a huge difference in language, food, culture and people. You’ll be inspired by new art, music and film, take in a climate that has very little in common with your home, and return with a wider worldview that will inform every single area of your life. Of... ❯❯❯

How to Find Your Optimum Conception Time

Are you someone who has found yourself spending more time than usual window shopping for baby clothes? Or maybe lately, you’ve seen little boys and girls on television commercials and you’ve been getting a little more sentimental than in times past. If so, these could be signs pointing to the fact that you’re ready to have a baby. And while the movies might make it seem as easy as “spending a... ❯❯❯

5 Tips for Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Modern society is almost designed to give you a heart attack. It didn’t happen overnight, and certainly wasn’t on purpose. But with all of the benefits to be found in the massive personal power and expression of the internet age, there is also very little emphasis put on rest and relaxation. You are now expected to be available for communication around the clock, and the 24-hour news cycle found... ❯❯❯

Common Causes of Fertility Issues in Women

For most women having a child is a natural step on life’s road, one that’s anticipated with excitement and a bit of anxiety. It’s a miraculous and beautiful process, but it isn’t perfect and effortless for everyone. In fact, around 10% of couples in the United States trying to conceive will have trouble. Some of the problems are on the man’s side, but around 30% of the time it’s an issue with the... ❯❯❯

The Best Jobs Working in Health and Fitness

Whether you work out on a regular basis or you extol the virtues of personal and physical activity, finding a career in health and fitness can be extremely rewarding and could afford you the lifestyle you have always dreamed of. Over 252 million Americans reported engaging in some kind of physical activity or fitness. In that case, there are a number of positions available for people who want to... ❯❯❯

5 Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Are you someone who enjoys doing a lot of research? If so, you have probably read more than a few articles that talk about some of the potential hazards that come with drinking coffee. However, the main thing to keep in mind about a lot of that research is that it’s addressing what happens when you don’t consume in it moderation; in other words, if you drink high quantities of it on a daily... ❯❯❯

5 Benefits of Working Out in the Morning

The results are in: researchers say that morning exercise, even if it’s only for 10 minutes, can have a myriad of positive health benefits. Furthermore, exercising before breakfast, and even before you hop in the shower, can be even more advantageous. Doctors say that more than coffee, and perhaps more than breakfast, a little physical activity in the morning can get you ready and energized for... ❯❯❯

5 Tips for Choosing the Right Obstetrician

Choosing a doctor is always an important decision. But when you're in the process of selecting one who will assist you during your pregnancy and labor and delivery, you want to be extra thorough before making your choice of which one to use. If you are a newly expectant mom and you want some tips on how to choose to right obstetrician, we have five proven recommendations for you right here: ... ❯❯❯

Different Treatment Options for Alcohol Addiction

Whether people are genetically predisposed to alcohol addiction no one knows for sure, but the fact remains that alcoholism is a disease. Specifically, alcoholism is characterized as a gradual disease with devastating consequences to the person's health and even the emotional well being of the people around the abuser. Alcoholism has four phases: the increased willingness to drink to mask buried... ❯❯❯

Different College Majors in Health and Nutrition

There has never been a better time to enter the fields of health and nutrition. First of all, the baby boom generation is heading towards retirement, which means age-related health and wellness issues will be in huge demand over the next several decades. More and more people are focusing on nutrition as a way to maintain optimum health over the long term, and each year new evidence comes to light... ❯❯❯

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