
Health Guide (Page 114)

5 Easy Ways to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

On film and TV screens large and small the eyes are truly the windows to the soul. But with all dramatics and flowery language aside, sight may very well be the most important of the five senses. It's definitely the one you lean on most often, taking visual cues from the natural world and the people you run into each and every day that provides you with thousands of bits of information. There's... ❯❯❯

How to Find the Best Pediatrician for Your New Baby

The birth of your first baby is an incredible experience, a once-in-a-lifetime moment you will carry with you forever. A ton of planning goes into that day, and thankfully all the organization and cautious strategy paid off in a successful birth and a happy, healthy bundle of joy. But now you have to pick out the pediatrician that will care for the love of your life for many years to come. Your... ❯❯❯

How to Prevent Weight Gain in College

College students everywhere are struggling with the epidemic known as the Freshman 15, the unsightly and unhealthy weight gain that comes after the young adult's first major steps toward independence. When you go away to college and start living on your own, dietary changes are sure to occur. Mom's home cooking kept you nourished and healthy through childhood, but the endless buffet of junk food... ❯❯❯

5 Tips for Shedding Abdominal Fat

Many of us wish that we could lose a little weight, but the abdominal region can often be the first place that a troublesome extra bit of fat shows up. For many of us, that stomach area can be pointedly tough to keep trim. This is especially true when you've got a busy lifestyle and don't have several hours each day that you can easily devote to exercising. What's nice, however, is that there are... ❯❯❯

5 Tips for Shiny Healthy Hair

Having shiny, healthy hair usually makes us shiner, happier, healthier people. Hair is an external, outward expression of our individual and unique personalities. The way a person presents their hair to the world is typically the way that someone will present themselves as well. Unkempt bed head can mean either one of two things: you are just too busy to do your hair and like the messy look or... ❯❯❯

Different Health Insurance Options for College Students

Everyone knows that health insurance can expensive. Yet, what happens when you get sick or have an accident? Rising medical costs can be crippling and can put you in debt for a long time. In most cases, having basic medical coverage will keep you protected from those costs by paying for the deductible. As a college student, obtaining adequate medical insurance can get a little tricky. Most... ❯❯❯

5 Healthy Eating Tips for College Students

Observing healthy eating habits in college can be a definite challenge. Many students have never had to fend for themselves where food is concerned, which is to say that they've always had parents on hand to plan, shop, and cook for them. As a result, the concept of creating a healthy and balanced meal, much less planning for a week's worth of meals, can be foreign territory. On top of that,... ❯❯❯

5 Tips for Eating Healthy in a College Cafeteria

There are a ton of elements vying for your attention during college. You've got your course load, and the hours of studying required in order to take best advantage of the opportunities. There are the extracurricular activities that truly express who you are and look great on your post-college resume. And of course there's socializing, which may be the most important aspect of college when all is... ❯❯❯

Top 5 Health Benefits of Drinking Black Tea

If you're someone who enjoys a tall glass of iced tea (or even some warm tea in a mug), here are some things that you might not know about black tea: it's made from the Camellia sinensis plant; it's more flavorful than green, white or oolong tea and it has numerous health benefits. So, the next time that you're about to make some black tea to drink, think about the following five ways that you... ❯❯❯

Common Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. It affects 90% to 95% of the 26 million Americans with diabetes. Diabetes affects people from all walks of life, but it is most prevalent in people over the age of 20. Diabetes ranks right up there with cancer, stroke and heart disease as one of the most widespread, possibly fatal, diseases. Unfortunately, there is no cure, but you can... ❯❯❯

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