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According to the American Association of Colleges of Nurses (AACN), the number of nurses leaving their jobs each year is astonishing – from 40,000 in 2010 to roughly 80,000 in 2020.
People leave their jobs for various reasons. However, stress ranks high among nurses. Common causes of stress and burnout among nurses include long shift hours, nurses shortage, lack of management... ❯❯❯
Spring is on its way, and just as you might be longing to spring-clean your home, how about spring cleaning your body? Feeling and looking better is on most people's list of things to do for the traditional season of renewal and vitality. In fact, it's a favorite New Year resolution for many. Here's a closer look at how to spring clean your body.
Spring Cleaning for the Body
Spring cleaning for... ❯❯❯
Rehabilitation facilities are available for all walks of life, from celebrities to the average person on the street. While many people might think that they are just for those who have fallen off the wagon and need help, these places also provide a safe space and support system. The article shares why you should go to rehabilitation centers and how they can benefit you in the long run.
To be... ❯❯❯
If you’re grinding or clenching your teeth and forgetting to wear your night guard, here are 5 reasons to protect those teeth! 1. The damage will get worse The #1 reason you want to protect your teeth is because wearing a night guard is preventative. The serious effects might not come next week or next month or even next year. But, over time your teeth will become weaker and more vulnerable... ❯❯❯
If you’re considering a career in the health care field, there are many options for you. The choice of what to do can be difficult to make. If you have an interest in healthcare, but not sure where to start, don’t worry! This helpful guide will give you some insight into what makes a great career for those interested in working with people. From the impact that your work can have on others, to... ❯❯❯
If you’ve been struggling with addiction for a period of time, then you know that recovery is a lifelong journey. Perhaps you’ve lived with alcoholism or drug addiction your entire life. If so, you’re likely aware that the old model of “just quitting” is not effective. Instead, recovery is a day-by-day, long-term process that requires mindfulness and commitment to living your best life. Even... ❯❯❯
We have overcome our early interoperability difficulties and are now moving forward. In 2022, we will finally be able to go on. We can all agree that healthcare has come a long way in terms of interoperability in the previous five years. As a consequence of the 21st Century Cures Act and the FHIR standard, we have achieved progress. As early as 2022, we'll get started. Despite the fact that... ❯❯❯
There are as many styles of chiropractic care as there are flavors in an ice cream parlor. In fact, there are more styles of chiropractic care than flavors of ice cream in any store I have ever been in. It has been estimated that there are over 200 different types of chiropractic techniques that have developed since the beginning of the profession in 1895. The multiplicity of techniques arises... ❯❯❯
Vitamins available as pressed pills have been on the market for a long time. Liquid vitamins for women are a newer invention, and not as many people know about their benefits. They can be a great addition to your dietary supplements, and you should know why. Here are five reasons why liquid vitamins are better for you than pill vitamins. 1. Liquid vitamins are easier to digest and provide more... ❯❯❯
Why were you born? Do you feel like your existence doesn't make sense? Or are you getting lost trying to find your true purpose? Life seems to be unfair sometimes, and not everyone manages to meet their expectations. Thus, many people tend to lose hope that they will find meaning and happiness in their lives. While it's normal to feel sad, angry, and experience other negative emotions at times,... ❯❯❯