
Health Guide (Page 43)

How to Deal with Grief in Six Ways

Loss affects people differently, but it is normal to feel sad, depressed, hopeless, angry, stressed, worried, confused, guilty, relieved, or suicidal. Many people question their religious or spiritual beliefs when they lose a loved one, others feel like they are going crazy, and it is normal. Just know that every emotion you experience during the early stages of grieving is normal, and there is... ❯❯❯

5 Ways Higher Education Helps Land Advanced Nursing Roles

5 Ways Higher Education Helps Land Advanced Nursing RolesImage Source Over the past years, the pandemic made us further realize the significance and value of healthcare workers. Doctors and nurses blurred the lines between professional and personal lives to curb the disease while distancing themselves from their loved ones. Surely, this sacrifice demands a great share of your will and determination. Nonetheless, it’s also crucial to realize that... ❯❯❯

The Damaging Effects of Drugs and Alcohol

The Damaging Effects of Drugs and AlcoholExcessive consumption of alcohol leads to an array of health problems. It can drastically shorten your life. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention opines that this habit claims almost 90000 lives annually. Shocking statistics, right? To add salt to injury, those that die because of alcohol abuse do so thirty years prematurely, on average. According to the CDC, excess alcohol consumption... ❯❯❯

Which is the best treatment for varicose vein?

Which is the best treatment for varicose vein?It is completely normal to have varicose veins. In fact, 30 million people in the United States are affected by it. But, even though varicose veins are often not a serious medical condition, many people are still put off and embarrassed by how it looks on their skin. Since varicose veins do not simply go away naturally, people often turn to vascular surgeons and vein specialists to have it... ❯❯❯

What Should You Not Do With a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc is a condition in the back that happens when the disc between the bones of the spine ruptures. You’ll feel pain whenever a nerve is compressed as you move. Sometimes herniated discs require surgery, but in other cases, medication or therapy may help with pain management. The doctor will likely tell you certain things you should be doing if you’ve been diagnosed with a herniated... ❯❯❯

Common Causes of Knee Problems and How to Keep Your Knees Healthy

If you suffer from knee problems, you will want to know the cause and how to treat the condition. It is also important to have an experienced knee surgeon diagnose and repair the issues. Common Causes of Knee Issues The following issues are common causes for knee pain and should be ruled out before you look at less common problems. If you have any questions, contact a knee surgeon as they can... ❯❯❯

Is Blepharoplasty an Outpatient Procedure?

Your skin loses its elasticity as it ages. And as that happens, some skin collects in the upper and lower eyelids. Besides the gradual loss of elasticity, the constant gravitational pull also contributes to the buildup of excess skin around the eyelids. If you have this condition, see an eye surgeon for droopy eyelid surgery to remedy the situation. What Is a Droopy Eyelid Surgery? Droopy... ❯❯❯

What Do Diabetic Feet Look Like?

The impact of blood sugars on nerve damage and its aftereffects are pretty severe. Approximately 50% of people with diabetes have some form of nerve damage. The most commonly affected parts are the feet and legs. Early diagnosis and proper diabetic foot care are crucial in maintaining good health. How can diabetes affect your feet? Too much glucose in your system causes poor blood flow and... ❯❯❯

Why a White Smile Should Also Be a Healthy Smile

In recent years, teeth whitening has changed from being a procedure that could only be afforded by the rich and famous. Now, it is a simple, painless and inexpensive procedure that can be completed in one visit to your dentist. The price and simplicity of teeth whitening have made a lot of people opt for the procedure. The benefit of teeth whitening is not limited to a white smile,  it can also... ❯❯❯

When Should You Visit the Doctor for Regular Checkups?

Generations ago, the services of doctors are only called for when people are gravely sick, or even when terminally ill. However, over time, the importance of preventative medicine has become a crucial part of healthcare. The prevention and early detection of diseases have helped improve the quality of life. Among the key aspects of preventative medicine is having regular check-ups. Regularly... ❯❯❯

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