
Health Guide (Page 62)

Other Health Benefits Of Fasting Aside From Weight Loss

Other Health Benefits Of Fasting Aside From Weight LossIntermittent fasting has become popular mainly for weight-loss purposes. Intermittent fasting is a process by which a person cycles between periods of eating and fasting. However, this is not only applicable to those who want to lose weight. There are other benefits that can result from practicing this. If intermittent fasting is followed and adopted into your lifestyle, you can benefit from... ❯❯❯

4 Main Steps to Overcome Adrenal Fatigue

You might have heard that stress is not good for your health but I guess you never paid attention to it. Adrenal fatigue is a type of fatigue that mainly occurs due to you being overexposed to stress and landing up in a low cortisol state. Due to this reason mainly, there are many mood swings observed along with a lack of energy. There are many causes that contribute to adrenal fatigue. Amongst... ❯❯❯

Cancer From Zantac: The Types It Causes

Cancer From Zantac: The Types It CausesHeartburn is a common problem experienced by people all over the world. Because of this, there's generally a very high demand for drugs that can potentially cure this problem. Manufacturers have scrambled for the creation of various medicines, both prescription and over-the-counter ones, that can help cure heartburn and other gastrointestinal issues. One of these is Zantac. For many years,... ❯❯❯

What Agency Regulates Nursing Homes in Florida?

What Agency Regulates Nursing Homes in Florida?The decision to transition an elderly loved one into an assisted living facility can be a difficult but necessary choice.  Sometimes for the quality of life, dignity, and safety of our aging loved ones, they must be placed into long-term care once their health needs can no longer be met at home. If you are facing this choice, how do you know which nursing homes are reputable and safe? What do... ❯❯❯

How Do You Know if Lung Cancer Is Caused by Asbestos?

How Do You Know if Lung Cancer Is Caused by Asbestos?If you or a loved one are suffering from lung cancer, it can be difficult to determine what caused it in the first place. Most lung cancer is caused by smoking, and some people can get lung cancer without any history of smoking or asbestos exposure. What makes the causal determination difficult is that the symptoms and consequences of lung cancer are the same regardless of the cause. However, if... ❯❯❯

12 Simple Items You Can Use To Do Home Exercises

12 Simple Items You Can Use To Do Home ExercisesWith COVID-19 shuttering gyms and fitness centers around the world, more and more people are resorting to home workouts to stay in shape. You might be used to working out in well-stocked gyms, thus, it can be a challenge to squeeze your fitness routine into a home environment. Fortunately, there is plenty of simple equipment you can invest in to turn that spare space into your personal fitness... ❯❯❯

Why A Vegetarian Needs A Meal Delivery Service For Fitness & Health

A vegetarian diet requires a very careful selection of food ingredients in order to meet important nutritional requirements. Eating healthy as a vegetarian can be a daunting task unless the right meal planning approach is followed. A vegetarian meal delivery service is one of the best options available for people that need a reliable solution tailored to meet their health and diet goals. ... ❯❯❯

Guide to Having a Baby Safely During the Coronavirus Pandemic

As if getting pregnant wasn't enough by itself to get you worried, COVID-19 is posing a host of frightening new questions. Scientists admit that the virus and its effect on pregnancy are still uncertain. This is enough to keep expectant mothers and their doctors awake at night. If you are pregnant during the coronavirus epidemic, it’s natural to be worried about the safety of giving birth in the... ❯❯❯

4 Health Benefits Of Visiting A Chiropractor

4 Health Benefits Of Visiting A ChiropractorA chiropractor is a specialist who deals with the healing of joints, especially the joints of the backbone. It would therefore be a good idea for you to visit a chiropractor in case you are suffering from any issue related to your backbone. Your spine is a long connection of bones that holds your upper body. In the event that you experience any form of pain, always visit a chiropractor. The spine... ❯❯❯

Can Hospitals Benefit From Using Used Lab Equipment?

Can Hospitals Benefit From Using Used Lab Equipment?Hospitals and medical facilities are essential whenever there are health emergencies that must be attended to immediately. A good example is the current COVID-19 pandemic that is bringing turmoil to every nation. Many hospitals are experiencing a shortage of lab and medical equipment that could help them properly care for patients. The lack of essential equipment for testing and treatment causes... ❯❯❯

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