
Health Guide (Page 86)

6 Common Health Problems Caused By Smoking Tobacco

6 Common Health Problems Caused By Smoking TobaccoContrary to popular belief, it’s not big, and it’s most certainly not clever. Smoking has been a major contributing factor in the deaths of millions (if not; billions) of people worldwide over the last 200 years. I know what you might be thinking, but a death from disease or health issues caused by smoking is almost always drawn out and painful for both the sufferer, and their family and friends.... ❯❯❯

The Proper Way to Do Squats to Protect Your Joints

Squats are highly-touted for their remarkable ability to tone the buttocks, thighs, and hamstrings. They are also great for increasing balance and heart rate. However, some individuals may think that they will never be able to do squats without pain due to weak knee and hip joints. Depending on the severity of the knee joint issues, there are some individuals who may in fact have to choose an... ❯❯❯

Standing Desks May Help to Regulate Blood Sugar Levels and Burn Calories

Recent studies have shown that today's workers spend up to 12 hours a day on average sitting down. From workdays spent at the computer and evening relaxation in front of the television, or once again at the computer screen, the modern workforce landscape has cultivated a sedentary approach to life for decades. Researchers now suspect that prolonged sitting can have extreme long-term effects on... ❯❯❯

The Importance of Hand Hygiene in Care Homes

Good hand hygiene is one of the best ways to prevent the spreading of germs and diseases, something that is particularly important in public spaces where there are lots of people. Care Homes and Hospitals are especially at risk in this regard because they are filled with people that are more vulnerable to illnesses such as the Norovirus, which is already a big concern amongst medical professionals... ❯❯❯

The Benefits of Odor Free Bags

In addition to being unpleasant, odors within a person's home can also lead to a variety of physical reactions, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC. Physical responses associated with unpleasant odors can include burning eyes, skin rashes and irritation of an individual's throat and nose. Unpleasant odors within a residence can also result in more serious... ❯❯❯

Tips to Prevent and Limit Alzheimer’s Wandering

As our loved ones start to age, it’s our responsibility to do all that we can to help them to adjust to how their minds and bodies are changing. And, this can be especially challenging if the person we care about how been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Unfortunately, that is the case for many individuals. In fact, according to many students, Alzheimer’s is currently considered to be sixth leading... ❯❯❯

Top 5 Dental Implant Surgery Recovery Tips

Although it would be nice to keep the same teeth that we had as children throughout our adult lives, sometimes things don’t go as planned. For instance, as a lot of us age, we can begin to lose facial structure, our bones can start to weaken and sometimes, this directly affects our teeth. Should this happen to you, one thing that your dentist may recommend is that you undergo dental implant... ❯❯❯

5 Ways to Burn Fat Naturally

Looking to drop a few pounds, but not interested in taking artificial supplements or using medication? Luckily, you can burn fat with just a few simple lifestyle changes. Here are 5 effective ways to burn fat the natural way. Utilize these tips to help you improve your overall health and fitness routine for the best results and a healthier way of life. First, cut out the isolated exercises. If... ❯❯❯

Infographic: The Mystery of Genetic History

Presented By HomeDNA... ❯❯❯

Wheels on Wheels: Wheelchairs, Taxis, Right and Wrong

Taxis have always been ripe for abuse and rip-off, because most people, when ordering a taxi or flagging one down in the street, have little recourse. When it’s late at night and the taxi is right there, warm and inviting and ready to take you home, many people won’t argue if they’re gouged slightly on the fare, although they will resent it. The fact is, for short periods of time in everyone’s... ❯❯❯

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